


manbet手机版你为什么要写作?manbet手机版这是我在写作生涯中被问到最多的问题。manbet手机版大多数时候他们的意思是这样的:这有什么意义?你为什么要把时间花在这种奇怪的、不可能的活动上?manbet手机版你为什么要写…你必须为写作找个借口,道歉…这就是我每次听到这个问题的感觉。manbet手机版但每次我给出不同的答案,有时我会说:我不知道我为什么要写,但它肯定让我感觉很好。manbet手机版我希望你读我的书时也有同样的感受!manbet手机版有时我说我很生气,这就是我写作的原因。manbet手机版大多数时候,我都想一个人待在房间里,这就是我写作的原因。manbet手机版在我小时候,我想成为一名画家。manbet手机版我每天都画画。 I still have that childish feeling of joy and happiness whenever I write. I write to pursue that old childish happiness and that is why for me literature and writing are inextricably linked with happiness, or the lack of it … unhappiness. In my childhood, I felt happy, painted a lot, and all the grown ups were constantly smiling at me. Everybody was gentle, polite and tender. I wrote all about this in my autobiographical book,manbet手机版伊斯坦布尔manbet手机版.manbet手机版出版之后manbet手机版伊斯坦布尔manbet手机版在美国,有人问我这个问题:你写自传是不是有点太年轻了?manbet手机版我保持沉默。manbet手机版我想说,文学是关于幸福的,是关于一生保持童心,让童心永存……如今,若干年后,我获得了这个大奖。manbet手机版这一次,同样的人开始问另一个问题:你获得诺贝尔奖是不是太年轻了?狗万世界杯manbet手机版实际上,自从我得知诺贝尔奖的消息后,我听到最多的问题是:获得诺贝尔奖是什么感觉?狗万世界杯manbet手机版我说,哦!manbet手机版这感觉很好。manbet手机版所有的大人都在对我微笑。manbet手机版突然间,每个人都变得温柔、礼貌和温柔。manbet手机版事实上,我几乎觉得自己像个王子。 I feel like a child. Then for a moment, I realize why sometimes I have felt so angry. This prize, which brought back to me the tender smiles of my childhood and the kindness of the strangers, should have been given to me not at this age (54) which some think is too young, but much much earlier, even earlier than my childhood, perhaps two weeks after I was born, so that I could have enjoyed the princely feeling of being a child all my life. In fact now … come to think of it … That is why I write and why I will continue to write.


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