




manbet手机版钢琴老师艾丽卡·科胡特(Erika Kohut)像旋风一样冲进她和母亲住的公寓。manbet手机版妈妈喜欢称艾丽卡为她的小旋风,因为这个孩子可以成为绝对的速度恶魔。manbet手机版她正试图逃离她的母亲。manbet手机版艾丽卡快40岁了。manbet手机版她母亲的年龄足以当她的祖母了。manbet手机版经过多年艰苦的婚姻生活,孩子出生了。manbet手机版她的父亲马上离开了,把火炬传给了女儿。manbet手机版艾丽卡走了进来,她的父亲走了出去。manbet手机版最终,艾丽卡学会了如何快速移动。manbet手机版她不得不。 Now she bursts into the apartment like a swarm of autumn leaves, hoping to get to her room without being seen. But her mother looms before her, confronts her. She puts Erika against the wall, under interrogation – inquisitor and executioner in one, unanimously recognized as Mother by the State and by the Family. She investigates: Why has Erika come home so late? Erika dismissed her last student three hours ago, after heaping him with scorn. You must think I won’t find out where you’ve been, Erika. A child should own up to her mother without being asked. But Mother never believes her because Erika tends to lie. Mother is waiting. She starts counting to three.

manbet手机版数到二的时候,艾丽卡给出了一个与事实大相径庭的答案。manbet手机版她的公文包,装满了乐谱,从她的手中被扯了下来——母亲立即找到了所有问题的苦涩答案。manbet手机版四卷贝多芬奏鸣曲愤怒地与一件明显是全新的衣服共享狭窄的空间。manbet手机版母亲反对购买。manbet手机版这件被钩子刺穿的衣服,在商店里是那么诱人,那么柔软,那么色彩斑斓。manbet手机版现在它躺在那里,像一块耷拉着的破布,被母亲的目光刺破。manbet手机版这笔钱被指定存入他们的储蓄帐户。manbet手机版现在它被过早地花掉了。manbet手机版如果你不介意去亚麻壁橱,银行存折就会从一堆被单后面露出来。manbet手机版但是今天,存折去郊游了,取了一笔钱,现在可以看到结果了。 Erika should put this dress on whenever they wonder where the nice money went. Mother screams: You’ve squandered your future! We could have had a new apartment someday, but you couldn’t wait. All you’ve got now is a rag, and it’ll soon be out of fashion. Mother wants everything “someday.” She wants nothing right now – except the child. And she always wants to know where she can reach the child in an emergency, in case Mama is about to have a heart attack. Mother wants to save now in order to enjoy someday. And then Erika goes and buys a dress, of all things! Something more fleeting than a dab of mayonnaise on a sardine sandwich. This dress will soon be totally out of fashion – not even next year, but next month. Money never goes out of fashion.

manbet手机版他们正在攒钱买一套大公寓。manbet手机版他们现在租住的那间狭窄的公寓太古老了,你还不如放弃它。manbet手机版当他们决定入住共管公寓时,他们将被允许指定壁橱和隔墙的位置。manbet手机版你看,一种全新的建筑系统正在被使用。manbet手机版每一个方面都是定制设计,根据您的精确愿望。manbet手机版你付了钱,就有了选择。manbet手机版母亲只有很少的养老金,她有自己的选择,艾丽卡付钱。manbet手机版在崭新的,最先进的公寓里,母女俩将各自拥有自己的世界,艾丽卡在这里,母亲在那里,两个世界被巧妙地分割开来。manbet手机版不过,他们会有一个共同的客厅见面。manbet手机版如果他们的愿望。 But of course they do, because they belong together. Even here, in this dump, which is slowly falling to pieces, Erika already has her own realm, her own roost, which she rules and is ruled in. It is only a provisional realm; Mother can walk in at any time. There is no lock on Erika’s door. A child has no secrets from her mother.

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manbet手机版艾丽卡不想沉默下去,所以她说了些陈词滥调。manbet手机版艺术对艾丽卡来说是陈词滥调,因为她以艺术为生。manbet手机版女人说,对艺术家来说,把自己的感情和激情发泄出来是多么容易啊!manbet手机版当一个艺术家诉诸于戏剧手法时,这是你非常推崇的,克莱默,他只是在使用虚假的方法而忽略了真实的方法。manbet手机版她说话是为了防止沉默的爆发。manbet手机版作为一名教师,我喜欢平淡无奇的艺术——比如舒曼。manbet手机版戏剧总是更容易!manbet手机版感觉和激情永远只是一种替代品,一种精神的替代品。manbet手机版老师渴望一场地震,一场咆哮、狂暴的暴风雨向她袭来。manbet手机版那个野蛮的克莱默气得差点把头撞到墙上。 The clarinet class next door, which he, the owner of a second instrument, has been frequenting twice a week, would certainly be astonished if Klemmer’s angry head suddenly emerged from the wall, next to Beethoven’s death mask. Oh, that Erika, that Erika. She doesn’t sense that he is actually talking about her, and naturally about himself as well! He is connecting Erika and himself in a sensual context, ejecting the spirit, that enemy of the senses, that primal foe of the flesh. She thinks he is referring to Schubert, but he really means himself, just as he always means himself whenever he speaks.


manbet手机版总裁是害怕;manbet手机版他幸福地咕哝着,沉浸在他的话语和思想的温暖浴缸里。manbet手机版他扑向钢琴,乐在其中。manbet手机版在超出速度限制的节奏下,他演奏了一个更长的乐句,这是他碰巧记住的。manbet手机版他想用这个短语来说明一些东西;manbet手机版他想知道什么。manbet手机版Erika Kohut对这种轻微的消遣感到高兴;manbet手机版她扑向那个学生,为的是在快车真正开动前阻止它。manbet手机版你弹得太快也太大声了,克莱默先生,你只是在证明在诠释中缺少灵性会导致可怕的空白。



manbet手机版Joachim Neugroschel译
manbet手机版版权所有©1983 by Rowohlt Verlag GmbH
manbet手机版翻译版权所有©1988由Wheatland Corporation
manbet手机版ISBN 1-85242-750-7


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