





manbet手机版“玩游戏。manbet手机版不要把一切都以你为中心。manbet手机版寻找挑战。manbet手机版但不要以特定的结果为目标。manbet手机版避免别有用心。manbet手机版不要隐瞒。manbet手机版温柔而坚强。manbet手机版参与进来,让胜利见鬼去吧。manbet手机版不要过度分析,不要计算,但要保持警惕,警惕迹象。manbet手机版是脆弱的。 Show your eyes, invite others to look deep; make sure there’s enough space, and try to recognize everyone’s own image. Make no decisions you don’t feel excited about. Let yourself fail. Above all, give yourself time and take the long way round. Never ignore what a tree or a body of water has to tell you. Turn in where you drawn to do so, and give yourself permission to bask in the sun. Never mind your relatives, offer support to strangers, bend down to look at trifles, duck into deserted places, don’t fall for the high drama of destiny, laugh conflict to bits. Show your true colors till you prove to be right, and the rustling of leaves turns sweet. Walk about the villages.”


manbet手机版在我的童年时代,只要时间允许,我母亲就会一遍又一遍地给我讲那个村庄里的人——斯洛文尼亚语叫Stara Vas,德语叫Altes Dorf[旧村庄]——不是故事,而是简短的叙述,至少在我听来,用歌德的话来说,就像“独特的事件”。manbet手机版有可能我母亲也和我的兄弟姐妹分享了这些账户。manbet手机版但在我的记忆中,我一直是她唯一的听众。






manbet手机版1943年8月底或9月初,我母亲的另一个哥哥,也就是最大的哥哥,从克里米亚的俄罗斯前线休假回家呆了几个星期。manbet手机版当他下车时,他遇到了那个地区负责传递战争坏消息的人。manbet手机版这个人正在去村子的路上,他要给家里捎个信,说最小的弟弟在冻土带上“为祖国英勇牺牲”。manbet手机版既然死亡使者现在意外地遇到了家里的一个成员,他想他可以省下这次拜访了。manbet手机版他只是把通知递给了休假的士兵。manbet手机版但是后来发生了这样一件事:格里高尔回家了,他在家里受到了欢呼和欢呼——年轻时,我母亲很喜欢表达喜悦——但是在整个假期里,他对家人只字未提他哥哥的死,或者像他在家书中称自己为“苔原男孩”那样。manbet手机版正如我母亲所描述的,格里高尔在和平时期是一个“真正的居家人”,在整个休假期间,他都不出门,不去家里,不去他的父母,不去他的妹妹,甚至不去他的村庄——斯塔拉瓦斯,而是在邻近的村庄恩塞尔纳瓦斯、利帕、鲁达、格罗巴斯尼察、迪克斯、林科拉和克尔坎耶闲逛,有时甚至整夜都呆在外面,在那里,在熟人或完全陌生的人的陪伴下,他“哭得稀里流涕”。manbet手机版哭得稀里哗啦——那个独眼士兵?manbet手机版——不!manbet手机版哭声从未停止过。 Must’ve never stopped.” And not until the last day, when he was walking to the bus to return to combat, did he hand the death notice to his sister, the only family member he’d allowed to accompany him. And a few weeks later, he, too, was “interred in foreign soil, may it lie lightly upon him”, according to the death notice, words later repeated on the memorial plaque in the village cemetery.


manbet手机版“只是我,另一个村庄的后代。manbet手机版但有一点你们都可以肯定:一个新时代的精神通过我说话,这种精神有以下几点要说。manbet手机版是的,危险是存在的,仅这一点就能让我说出我将要说的话:在反抗中。manbet手机版来听听我的戏剧诗。manbet手机版你停止发呆是对的,但不要像一群狂吠的狗一样把彼此吵醒。manbet手机版你们中间没有人应该受到责备,恰恰在你们绝望的时候,你们可能已经意识到你们并不是真的绝望。manbet手机版如果你绝望了,你早就死了。manbet手机版所以不要表现得好像你是一个人。manbet手机版没错,你的故事给你提供的安慰是靠不住的。manbet手机版但是,别再为“是或不是”而苦思冥想了:存在是并且将继续是可以想象的,而不存在是不可想象的。 Recognize how alike you are; recognize that you’re alike. It’s just me saying that. But I’m notmanbet手机版仅仅是manbet手机版我。manbet手机版在这两种伪装下的“我”可能是地球上最脆弱、最短暂的东西,同时也是最包罗万象的——最能解除武装的。manbet手机版“我!manbet手机版“我是唯一的英雄,你们应该是解除武装的人。manbet手机版是的,那个“我”是人性的本质,让我们保持人性!manbet手机版战争离这里很远。manbet手机版我们的军队不是站在灰色的柏油路上,而是站在黄色的花丛中。manbet手机版鞠躬向花表示敬意是可能的。manbet手机版我们可以对树枝上的鸟说话。manbet手机版所以,在这个被人造色彩破坏的世界里,为能让它复活的自然色彩腾出空间吧。 The blue of mountainsmanbet手机版是真实的manbet手机版枪套的棕色不是;manbet手机版你自以为从电视上认识的人或事其实并不认识。manbet手机版我们的肩膀是为了天空而存在的,从地球到天空的道路必须经过我们。manbet手机版慢慢地移动,以这样的方式成为一种形式,没有这种形式,任何距离都无法成形。manbet手机版大自然是你唯一可以信赖的承诺。manbet手机版然而,大自然既不能成为避难所,也不能成为避难所。manbet手机版然而,大自然确实提供了一个衡量标准:它只需要每天检查。manbet手机版头顶上飘过的云朵,即使是飞掠而过,也会让你慢下来。manbet手机版谁说你一定会崩溃的?manbet手机版你还没放下战争吗? Well, bolster the peaceful present and display the serenity of survivors. What looked from a distance like a menacing death’s head turns out to be child’s play when you come closer. Air out your thousand-year-old bed. Ignore the childhood-distant doubters. Don’t wait for another war: true peace-lovers can be found in the presence of nature. Don’t show your descendants the devil’s profile. The house of strength is in the other’s face. Here and now is the festival of gratitude. So let it not be said of you that you failed to take advantage of peace: let your labor work wonders—pass it on. But only those who love pass it on: love just one—that suffices for all. In loving you, I awake to myself. Even when most can’t be uplifted, be upliftable. Avert your eyes from the bestial two-legged creatures. Be real. Follow the caravan music. Walk until the vanishing lines emerge from the confused tangle, so slowly that the world becomes yours anew, so slowly that it becomes clear how itmanbet手机版不manbet手机版属于你。manbet手机版是的,永远要与自命为权力的权力保持距离。manbet手机版不要抱怨你是孤独的——要更加孤独。manbet手机版把沙沙声传下去。manbet手机版描绘地平线,以免美丽再次化为乌有。manbet手机版向对方描述生活画面。manbet手机版好的东西应该存在。manbet手机版慢慢来——要有创意:把你无法解释的叹息变成有力的歌曲。manbet手机版我们的艺术必须以向天堂呐喊为目标!manbet手机版不要让任何人说服你放弃美——我们人类创造的美是震撼我们的核心。 Devote yourselves to demystification, which at the same time reveals the One Mystery. Take note: whenever a child coming toward you stares at you aghast, you are the cause. To take on many disguises will be your destiny, and to prefer a jolly swindle to a truth made public. Play the farces of everyday life. Losing oneself is part of the game. (And yet: only the one who wears no mask marches proudly.) Go forth into the unknown regions of the earth and let those without illusions grin maliciously: illusion provides the strength for visions. Yes, let yourselves be pierced by yearning for form and pass along the healed world—the scornful laughter you receive stems from ignorance; it’s the death rattle of soul-cadavers. The dead give you extra light. Don’t worry if you can’t talk to them: one syllable suffices. But keep our unborn in your thoughts. Beget the child of peace! Save your heroes! They should be the ones to proclaim: War, leave us in peace! You people from here: you’re in charge. Don’t let anyone convince you that you’re the sterile ones at the end of days. We’re as close to the original source as ever. Perhaps there are no wildernesses left. But that which is wild, that which is always new continues to be: time. The ticking of clocks means nothing. Time is the vibration that helps us get through this accursed century. Time: I have you! The blessed day is now. Working effectively you can feel it. Perhaps there is no such thing as rational belief, but there’s rational belief in the divine shudder. Behold the miracle and forget it. Take the great leap. Joy is the only right form of power. Not till you feel joy will all be well with the world. – It’s still true that in the story we all share there’s no comfort we can rely on. Who’s measuring? The child-murderers in power vanish, unpunished. Peace and quiet doesn’t last: the trickling fountains collapse into barricades. Hope is the false wingbeat. Killjoys are everywhere. As we walk beneath the sun of joy, we drink deep of bitterness. Dear folks from here: The cries of dread will go on forever. Your pleading for mercy will merely elicit the thumbs-down sign. So pull yourselves together and look at the man in a dark suit and white shirt. Look at the woman across the river who’s standing on the balcony in the sun. Prove, with the means at your disposal, our human defiance! A blessing upon every kiss, however fleeting. And now each of you: back your seat. Fill the space with demonic energy, through repetition. Form is the law, and it lifts you up. Eternal peace is possible. Listen to the caravan music. Calculating and knowing, be heaven-bound. Hold fast to this dramatic poem. Walk ever onward. Walk about the villages.”

manbet手机版如果说我母亲描述的那些小事件为我几乎终生的写作生涯提供了动力,那么艺术作品则为我提供了基本的形式、节奏,或者更谦虚地说,是让这种动力得以表达的波动和魅力。manbet手机版我指的不仅是书籍,还有绘画、电影(尤其是约翰·福特的西部片和小津安二郎的“东部片”)和歌曲(最终,比如约翰尼·卡什和伦纳德·科恩的歌曲)。manbet手机版然而,最早的振荡和魅力并非来自艺术;manbet手机版在我还是个孩子的时候,在斯塔拉瓦斯(Stara Vas)诞生地附近教堂的罗马式拱门下,我听到的斯洛文尼亚-斯拉夫宗教的长篇大读让我从头到尾都激动不已。manbet手机版那些单调而又悠扬的对天的呼唤,在我七十七岁的时候,仍然鼓舞着我,使我充满活力。manbet手机版他们拨动着伴随我继续写作的琴弦,为我哼唱着天籁般的音阶和华曲,这些都是无声的,就像在《劳伦致圣母的连颂》(Laurentian Litany to Our Lady)中那样,它包含了大约一百个修辞格和祷词,我在这里故意不翻译地引用其中的几个,除了那句重复的“Prosi za nas”:“为我们祈祷”。

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manbet手机版克里希纳·温斯顿(Krishna Winston)翻译自德语

manbet手机版《绕远路:一首戏剧性的诗manbet手机版/由拉尔夫·曼海姆翻译。manbet手机版伦敦:Methuen戏剧出版社,1989年。manbet手机版翻译:Über die Dörfer, 1981
manbet手机版漫步乡村manbet手机版/迈克尔·罗洛夫翻译。manbet手机版加州河滨市:阿里阿德涅出版社,1996年。manbet手机版翻译:Über die Dörfer, 1981
manbet手机版简短的信,漫长的告别manbet手机版/由拉尔夫·曼海姆翻译。manbet手机版纽约:Farrar, Straus和Giroux, 1974。manbet手机版译自:1972年出版的《kurze Brief zum langen Abschied》
manbet手机版重复manbet手机版/由拉尔夫·曼海姆翻译。manbet手机版伦敦:Methuen Minerva, 1988。manbet手机版翻译:Die Wiederholung, 1986

manbet手机版图1。manbet手机版彼得·汉德克1968年和一本笔记本“Ins tiefe Österreich”(1976-1977)。

manbet手机版出版商Siegfried Unsel和Peter Handke。

manbet手机版图2。manbet手机版出版商Siegfried Unsel和Peter Handke。






manbet手机版MLA风格:Peter Handke -诺贝尔演讲。manbet手机版。manbet手机版诺贝尔奖外联AB 2022。manbet手机版2022年12月19日星期一。manbet手机版< // >

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