




manbet手机版多年以后,奥雷连诺上校面对行刑队时,Buendía一定会想起父亲带他去发现冰的那个遥远的下午。manbet手机版当时,马孔多是一个有二十幢土坯房的村庄,建在河边,河水清澈,河水沿着一层磨光的石头流过,石头又白又大,像史前的鸡蛋。manbet手机版世界是最近才有的,许多东西都没有名字,要指出来就得指一指。manbet手机版每年三月,一户衣衫褴褛的吉卜赛人会在村子附近搭起帐篷,在笛声和鼓声中展示他们的新发明。manbet手机版首先,他们带来了磁铁。manbet手机版一个身材魁梧的吉卜赛人,留着蓬乱的胡子,长着一双麻雀一般的手,自称Melquíades,大胆地在公众面前展示了他自己称之为马其顿学识渊博的炼金术士的第八大奇迹。manbet手机版他拖着两块金属锭挨家挨户地走,每个人都惊讶地看到锅、锅、钳子和火盆从原来的地方掉了下来,钉子和螺丝绝望地试图钻出来,梁发出吱吱嘎嘎的响声,甚至那些丢失了很久的东西也从它们最常被寻找的地方出现了,在Melquíades“神奇的铁后面混乱地拖着走。”manbet手机版“每样东西都有自己的生命,”吉卜赛人用刺耳的口音说。manbet手机版“这只是一个唤醒他们灵魂的问题。manbet手机版José阿卡蒂奥Buendía,他无拘无束的想象力总是超越自然的天才,甚至超越奇迹和魔法,他认为可以利用这个无用的发明从地底提取黄金。 Melquíades, who was an honest man, warned him: ‘It won’t work for that.’ But José Arcadio Buendía at that time did not believe in the honesty of gypsies, so he traded his mule and a pair of goats for the two magnetized ingots. Úrsula Iguarán, his wife, who relied on those animals to increase their poor domestic holdings, was unable to dissuade him. ‘Very soon we’ll have gold enough and more to pave the floors of the house,’ her husband replied. For several months he worked hard to demonstrate the truth of his idea. He explored every inch of the region, even the riverbed, dragging the two iron ingots along and reciting Melquíades’ incantation aloud. The only thing he succeeded in doing was to unearth a suit of fifteenth-century armour which had all of its pieces soldered together with rust and inside of which there was the hollow resonance of an enormous stone-filled gourd. When José Arcadio Buendía and the four men of his expedition managed to take the armour apart, they found inside a calcified skeleton with a copper locket containing a woman’s hair around its neck.

manbet手机版三月,吉普赛人回来了。manbet手机版这次他们带来了一个望远镜和一个鼓大小的放大镜,他们把这些东西当作阿姆斯特丹犹太人的最新发现来展示。manbet手机版他们把一个吉普赛妇女安置在村子的一头,把望远镜放在帐篷的入口处。manbet手机版只要花上5雷亚尔,人们就可以通过望远镜看到一臂之外的吉普赛人。manbet手机版Melquíades宣称:“科学消除了距离。”manbet手机版“在很短的时间内,人们不用离开自己的房子就能看到世界上任何地方正在发生的事情。manbet手机版“一个炙热的正午,他们用巨大的放大镜做了一个惊人的示范:他们把一堆干干草放在街道中间,通过聚集太阳光来点火。manbet手机版José阿卡蒂奥Buendía,他的磁铁坏了,他还没有得到安慰,就想把这个发明当作一种战争武器。manbet手机版Melquíades再次试图劝阻他,但他最终接受了两个磁化元宝和三个殖民地硬币,以交换放大镜。manbet手机版Úrsula惊恐地哭泣。 That money was from a chest of gold coins that her father had put together over an entire life of privation and that she had buried underneath her bed in hopes of a proper occasion to make use of it. José Arcadio Buendía made no attempt to console her, completely absorbed in his tactical experiments with the abnegation of a scientist and even at the risk of his own life. In an attempt to show the effects of the glass on enemy troops, he exposed himself to the concentration of the sun’s rays and suffered burns which turned into sores that took a long time to heal. Over the protests of his wife, who was alarmed at such a dangerous invention, at one point he was ready to set the house on fire. He would spend hours on end in his room, calculating the strategic possibilities of his novel weapon until he succeeded in putting together a manual of startling instructional clarity and an irresistible power of conviction. He sent it to the government, accompanied by numerous descriptions of his experiments and several pages of explanatory sketches, by a messenger who crossed the mountains, got lost in measureless swamps, forded stormy rivers, and was on the point of perishing under the lash of despair, plague, and wild beasts until he found a route that joined the one used by the mules that carried the mail. In spite of the fact that a trip to the capital was little less than impossible at that time, José Arcadio Buendía promised to undertake it as soon as the government ordered him to so that he could put on some practical demonstrations of his invention for the military authorities and could train them himself in the complicated art of solar war. For several years he waited for an answer. Finally, tired of waiting, he bemoaned to Melquíades the failure of his project and the gypsy then gave him a convincing proof of his honesty: he gave him back the doubloons in exchange for the magnifying glass, and he left him in addition some Portugues maps and several instruments of navigation. In his own handwriting he set down a concise synthesis of the studies by Monk Hermann, which he left José Arcadio so that he would be able to make use of the astrolabe, the compass, and the sextant. José Arcadio Buendía spent the long months of the rainy season shut up in a small room that he had built in the rear of the house so that no one would disturb his experiments. Having completely abandoned his domestic obligations, he spent entire nights in the courtyard watching the course of the stars and he almost contracted sunstroke from trying to establish an exact method to ascertain noon. When he became an expert in the use and manipulation of his instruments, he conceived a notion of space that allowed him to navigate across unknown seas, to visit uninhabited territories, and to establish relations with splendid beings without having to leave his study. That was the period in which he acquired the habit of talking to himself, of walking through the house without paying attention to anyone, as Úrsula and the children broke their backs in the garden, growing banana and caladium, cassava and yams, ahuyama roots and eggplants. Suddenly, without warning, his feverish activity was interrupted and was replaced by a kind of fascination. He spent several days as if he were bewitched, softly repeating to himself a string of fearful conjectures without giving credit to his own understanding. Finally, one Tuesday in December, at lunchtime, all at once he released the whole weight of his torment. The children would remember for the rest of their lives the august solemnity with which their father, devastated by his prolonged vigil and by the wrath of his imagination, revealed his discovery to them:


manbet手机版manbet手机版《百年孤独manbet手机版作者:Gabriel García Márquez
manbet手机版原标题:manbet手机版Cien años de soledad
manbet手机版©Gabriel García Márquez, 1967


manbet手机版MLA风格:Gabriel García Márquez -散文。manbet手机版。manbet手机版2022年诺贝尔奖推广AB。manbet手机版2022年9月24日星期六。manbet手机版< // >

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