





manbet手机版当我到达波恩时,天已经黑了,我强迫自己不要屈从于五年来来回旅行中一直控制着我的一系列机械动作:走下车站的台阶,走上车站的台阶,放下手提箱,从外套口袋里拿出车票,拿起手提箱,交上车票,穿过报摊,买晚报,走到外面,打信号叫出租车。manbet手机版五年来,我几乎每天都去某个地方,又到达某个地方;manbet手机版早上,我爬上又爬下车站的台阶,下午,我爬下又爬上,打手势叫出租车,在口袋里摸钱买票,在报摊上买晚报,在我脑海的某个角落里,细细品味着这些机械动作所表现出来的刻意的随意。manbet手机版自从玛丽离开我和Züpfner那个天主教徒结婚后,这些行为变得比以往任何时候都更加机械,但却丝毫没有失去他们的随意。manbet手机版有一种方法可以计算从车站到旅馆,从旅馆到车站的距离——通过出租车计价器。manbet手机版离车站有两马克、三马克、四马克五十。manbet手机版自从玛丽走了以后,我有时会失去节奏,把旅馆和车站搞混。当我走近旅馆的搬运工时,我会开始找我的票,或者在车站问收票员我的房间号,某种东西——也许是命运——一定让我想起了我的职业和我的处境。manbet手机版我是一个小丑,官方描述是:喜剧演员,没有宗教信仰,27岁,我的一个角色叫:到达和离开,一个很长的(几乎太长了)哑剧,观众从头到尾混淆到达和离开。manbet手机版自从我通常会超过这个数字再一次在火车上(它包含超过六百个手势,我必须知道他们的序列的心,当然,这不是自然的,现在又我的受害者自己的想象力:冲进酒店,环顾离开董事会,找到它,运行上下台阶,以免错过火车,而我所要做的就是去我的房间,准备性能。manbet手机版幸运的是,大多数酒店的人都认识我。 Over a period of five years a rhythm develops with fewer possibilities of variation than one might suppose – besides, my agent, who is familiar with my idiosyncrasies, sees to it that there is a minimum of friction. What he calls “the sensitive soul of the artist” is fully respected, and an “aura of well-being” surrounds me as soon as I get to my room: flowers in an attractive vase, and, almost before I have thrown off my coat and tossed my shoes (I hate shoes) into a corner, a pretty chambermaid comes in with coffee and cognac and runs my bath, and the green bath salts she pours into it make it relaxing and fragrant. While I lie in the bathtub I read the papers, popular ones all of them, sometimes as many as six but at least three, and in a moderately loud voice I sing nothing but sacred songs: chorales, hymns, musical passages I recall from my school days. My parents, devout Protestants, subscribed to the postwar fashion of denominational tolerance and sent me to a Catholic school. I am not religious myself, I don’t even go to church, and I make use of the sacred texts and songs for therapeutic purposes: they help me more than anything else to overcome the two afflictions Nature has saddled me with: depression and headaches. Since Marie went over to the Catholics (although Marie is a Catholic herself I feel this phrase is appropriate), the intensity of these two complaints has increased, and even themanbet手机版Tantum因此manbet手机版或者洛雷托的连词——直到现在我最喜欢的治疗疼痛的方法——已经没什么用了。manbet手机版有一种暂时有效的补救办法:酒精;manbet手机版可能有一个永久的治疗方法:玛丽。manbet手机版玛丽离开了我。manbet手机版一个酗酒的小丑比一个喝醉的瓦工从屋顶上摔下来还要快。


manbet手机版Leila Vennewitz翻译

manbet手机版由伦敦Marion Boyars出版有限公司出版,2002年
manbet手机版版权所有©1963 Kiepenheuer & Witsch
manbet手机版ISBN: 0-7145-0168-9
manbet手机版与Marion Boyars出版社合作再版


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