

manbet手机版我manbet手机版1926年出生于安大略省温莎。manbet手机版我的祖父母中有三位也出生在加拿大:第四个,也就是我的祖父,小时候从巴伐利亚镇Nördlingen移民到美国。manbet手机版他成为了一名药剂师,并因发明了第一个大规模生产明胶胶囊的工艺而获得了一些成功。manbet手机版我的父母在密歇根州的底特律出生和长大。manbet手机版我的父亲是一名化学工程师,在底特律河对岸的安大略省温莎找了一份工作。他厌倦了从底特律来回奔波,最后搬到了加拿大。manbet手机版当我出生时,我通过父母获得了美国国籍,出生时获得了加拿大国籍。manbet手机版(至于奖金,我不知道是每个国家得到一半的功劳,还是两个国家都得到全部的功劳。)manbet手机版1929年,我父亲搬到蒙特利尔,我在那里长大。manbet手机版从6岁到18岁,我在奥特蒙特的斯特拉斯科纳学院上学,我非常感谢那里的优秀老师,尤其是朱莉娅·布拉德肖,她是一位敬业、活泼的历史老师,有着令人难忘的爱尔兰人的脾气,她唤醒了我学习如何写可读性强的英语的可能性。manbet手机版我对科学的兴趣很大程度上要归功于我的父亲,我用无穷无尽的问题困扰着他。 To my mother goes much of the credit for encouraging me to work for whatever objectives I set for myself. As a boy my main hobbies were chemistry (my friends, who consider me utterly ignorant of that subject, will be richly amused) and electronics. I soon tired of the electronics because nothing I built ever worked. But with chemistry I discovered potassium chlorate and sugar mixture and set off a small cannon that rocked Outremont, and I released a hydrogen balloon that flew all the way to Sherbrooke. At McGill College I did honors mathematics and physics, partly to find out why nothing worked in electronics, but mainly because it was more fun to do problems than to learn facts. I still much prefer to do science than to read about it. I graduated in 1947 and, almost on the toss of a coin, despite never having taken a course in biology (even in high school, where it was considered a subject only for those who could not do Latin or mathematics) I applied to Medical School at McGill. Rather to my horror I was accepted. At first I found it very difficult, given my total ignorance of biology and the need to memorize every muscular insertion in the body. I spent summers at the Montreal Neurological Institute doing electronics (I now had the theoretical basis but still no talent with a soldering iron) and there I became fascinated by the nervous system – small wonder considering that this was the period of culmination of the work of Penfield and Jasper. To my surprise I also found I enjoyed clinical medicine: it took three years of hospital training after graduation, (a year of internship and two of residency in neurology) before that interest finally wore off. The years of hospital training were interrupted by a year of clinical neurophysiology under Herbert Jasper, who was unequalled for his breadth and clarity of thinking in brain science. On setting foot into the United States in 1954 for a Neurology year at Johns Hopkins I was promptly drafted by the army as a doctor, but was lucky enough to be assigned to the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Neuropsychiatry Division, and there, at the age of 29, I finally began to do research. One then had little of the feeling of frenetic competition that is found in graduate students today; it was possible to take more long-shots without becoming panic stricken if things didn’t work out brilliantly in the first few months. We were not free from financial worries, as graduate students in biology by and large are now; until I entered the army my income was close to zero, and I owe a huge debt to my wife Ruth for supporting us through those lean and exploited years of residency and fellowship training.

manbet手机版科学地说,我几乎找不到比沃尔特里德医院更好的地方了。manbet手机版在神经精神病学部门,大卫·里奥赫召集了一群活跃的年轻神经科学家,尤其是神经生理学的M.G.F.富尔特斯和罗伯特·加兰博斯,神经解剖学的沃尔·诺塔,实验心理学的约瑟夫·布雷迪和默里·西德曼,化学的约翰·梅森。manbet手机版就像在蒙特利尔一样,重点是整个神经系统,而不是基于方法的生物学主题的细分。manbet手机版我在福尔特斯的监督下工作。manbet手机版我们开始在一个脊髓项目上合作了六个月,那是我在实验神经生理学上唯一的学徒期。manbet手机版福尔特斯对生物学有一种真正的感觉,这在当时的神经生理学家中是罕见的。manbet手机版我还从一个非常能干和乐于助人的研究助理卡尔文·汉森那里学到了很多,并从中受益良多。manbet手机版我在沃尔特·里德医院的主要项目是比较睡觉和醒着的猫大脑皮层单个细胞自发放电的情况。manbet手机版我从视觉皮层开始记录:看一个主要的感觉区域似乎是最明智的,视觉是最容易的,在大脑的那个部分和外界之间有更少的肌肉。manbet手机版首先,有必要设计出一种从自由活动的猫身上进行记录的方法,并开发出一种韧性足以穿透硬脑膜的钨微电极。 That took over a year, but in the end it was exciting to be able to record from a single cell in the cortex of a cat that was looking around and purring.

manbet手机版1958年,我搬到威尔默研究所,约翰霍普金斯医院,史蒂芬·库夫勒的实验室,在那里我开始与manbet手机版托尔斯滕·威塞尔manbet手机版.manbet手机版一年后,库夫勒的整个实验室(九个家庭)搬到了波士顿的哈佛医学院,起初是奥托·克莱耶(Otto Krayer)治下药理学系的一部分,他主要负责将库夫勒带到哈佛。manbet手机版五年后,在哈佛前所未有的举动中,我们成为了新的神经生物学系。manbet手机版我与斯蒂芬·库夫勒(直到他一年前去世)以及埃德温·弗什潘、爱德华·克拉维茨、大卫·波特和西蒙·列维的日常接触既有趣又丰富。manbet手机版在过去的二十二年里,除了与Torsten合作,我还与Ursula Dräger, Helga Ginzler和Ann Graybiel有过短暂的合作。manbet手机版目前我和玛格丽特·利文斯通一起工作。



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