manbet手机版Baruj Benacerraf


manbet手机版我于1920年10月29日出生在委内瑞拉的加拉加斯,有西班牙裔犹太血统。manbet手机版我的父亲是一个白手起家的商人,是一个纺织品商人和进口商。manbet手机版他出生在西班牙摩洛哥,而我的母亲出生并在法属阿尔及利亚长大,在法国文化中长大。manbet手机版我五岁的时候,我们全家搬到了巴黎,一直住到1939年。manbet手机版我的小学和中学都是法语教育,这对我的生活产生了深远的影响。manbet手机版第二次世界大战使我们回到了委内瑞拉,父亲在那里继续经营着兴旺的生意。manbet手机版他们决定我应该在美国接受教育,我们于1940年搬到了纽约。manbet手机版我在哥伦比亚大学通识学院注册,并于1942年毕业,获得理学学士学位,同时也完成了医学院入学的医学预科课程。manbet手机版那时,我选择了学习生物和医学,而不是像我父亲希望的那样进入家族企业。manbet手机版然而,我没有意识到,在1942年的美国,像我这样的种族和外国背景的人,被医学院录取是一项艰巨的任务。 In spite of an excellent academic record at Columbia, I was refused admission by the numerous medical schools I applied to and would have found it impossible to study medicine except for the kindness and support of George W. Bakeman, father of a close friend, who was then Assistant to the President of the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond. Learning of my difficulties, Mr. Bakeman arranged for me to be interviewed and considered for one of the two remaining places in the Freshman class. I was accepted and began my medical studies in July 1942. While in medical school, I was drafted into the U.S. Army with the other medical students, as part of the wartime training program, and naturalized American citizen in 1943. I greatly enjoyed my medical studies, which at the Medical College of Virginia were very clinically oriented. I received what I considered to be an excellent medical education in the relatively short time of three war years. This busy time was rendered very happy by my marriage in 1943 to Annette Dreyfus, a French student, also a refugee from Paris, whom I had met at Columbia University. I trained as an intern at Queens General Hospital in New York City in 1945 and was commissioned First Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Medical Corps in 1946. After the usual six weeks of basic training at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, I was shipped to Germany with several thousand other physicians. I was happy to be assigned to France, first in Paris, then in Nancy, where my wife had joined me. I stayed there nearly two years, as the head of a medical unit where I enjoyed practising what today would be called community medicine. I was discharged in 1947 and, motivated by intellectual curiosity, decided upon a career in medical research at a time when such a choice was not fashionable. My interest was directed, from my medical student days, to Immunology, and particularly to the mechanism of hypersensitivity. I had suffered from bronchial asthma as a child and had developed a deep curiosity in allergic phenomena. I sought the advice of many scientists, among whom René Dubos at Rockefeller University,manbet手机版约翰·恩德斯manbet手机版还有纽约公共卫生研究所的朱尔斯·费恩德,是里士满的教员们推荐我去的。manbet手机版我被强烈要求与一位充满活力的年轻免疫化学家艾尔文·卡巴特(Elvin Kabat)合作,他的实验室在哥伦比亚大学内科和外科学院神经学研究所。manbet手机版在接受了Elvin Kabat的采访后,他给了我一个在他实验室的奖学金,我在1948年2月开始了我的研究生涯。manbet手机版与Elvin Kabat一起训练是我作为一名科学家发展过程中重要的经历之一。manbet手机版Elvin Kabat是一位严格的任务执行者,有着严格的标准和对科学定量方法的绝对尊重。manbet手机版他认为,如果一种现象不能定量,就不值得研究。manbet手机版他教我免疫化学和基础免疫学,但更重要的是,我学到实验证明的重要性,知识诚实和科学诚信的需要。manbet手机版我也很幸运,我作为科学家的头两年非常富有成效,我最初的目标是了解实验性超敏机制,这部分实现了。manbet手机版在接下来的六年里,我的生活在很大程度上受到了家庭因素的影响。manbet手机版1949年,我的女儿贝丽尔出生了。那时,我的父母从委内瑞拉回到了他们在巴黎的家。 My father had suffered a severe stroke and was now a cripple. My wife’s family also lived in Paris. The attraction of moving to France and settling close to our respective families was very strong. Accordingly, we moved to Paris in mid-1949 and I accepted a position in Bernard Halpern’s laboratory at the Broussais Hospital. This position permitted me also to make frequent trips to Venezuela where my father’s business interests now required my personal involvement. During this period I was privileged to form a close relationship with a young Italian scientist who had also joined Halpern’s laboratory, Guido Biozzi. For six years we operated as a team and engaged in the study of reticuloendothelial function in relation to immunity. We developed the techniques to study the clearance of particulate matter from the blood by the RES, and formulated the equations that govern this process in mammalian organisms. After six years in Paris, I began to realize that as a foreigner to France, in spite of my French education, I would experience continuous difficulties in pursuing a scientific career and establishing an independent laboratory. This was made painfully clear to me by the chief of the laboratory, Dr. Halpern. The significance of this message was heightened by my unhappy discovery that I could not find another laboratory in Paris in 1956 that would give me a chance to work and establish myself. I decided therefore to return to the United States. I am deeply grateful to Lewis Thomas who offered me an appointment as Assistant Professor of Pathology at New York University School of Medicine and helped me develop my own laboratory and research support. I returned to my earlier studies on hypersensitivity mechanisms, but this time also developed an interest in cellular as well as humoral hypersensitivity. From 1956 to 1961, I worked on cellular hypersensitivity with Philip Gell, immune complex diseases with Robert McCluskey and Pierre Vassalli, anaphylactic hypersensitivity with Zoltan Ovary, tumor specific immunity with Lloyd Old, and the structure of antibodies, in relation with their specificity, withmanbet手机版杰拉尔德·埃德尔曼manbet手机版.manbet手机版在纽约大学的那些年是非常快乐的,我很快就意识到回到美国是一个正确的选择。manbet手机版这一时期纽约大学的科学氛围特别有利于免疫学的发展。manbet手机版许多免疫学家都充满热情地工作着,并进行着有益的互动:其中包括乔纳森·乌尔、珍妮特·索尔贝克、爱德华·富兰克林、维克多·努森茨威格,还有前面提到的罗伯特·麦克卢斯基和佐尔坦·奥皮耶。manbet手机版从那时起,我开始教授研究员和学生,并意识到培养年轻科学家是我最宝贵和最有价值的经历之一。manbet手机版后来,我选择了“科学家的培训”作为我向美国免疫学家协会主席演讲的主题。manbet手机版在纽约大学我有幸与之共事的年轻免疫学家中,有Lloyd Old、William Paul、Ira Green、Victor Nussenzweig、Michael Lamm、Pierre Vassalli、Stanley Cohen、Jeanette Thorbecke、Fred Kantor、Gregory Siskind、Stuart Schlossman、Kurt Bloch、Bernard Levine、Francois Kourilsky、Ted Brunner和Takeshi Yoshida。manbet手机版在此期间,我还管理着纽约的一家银行——殖民信托公司(Colonial Trust Company),它被我的家人和同事从委内瑞拉收购了。manbet手机版然而,实验室的成功让我意识到,我必须在科学事业和商业利益之间做出选择。manbet手机版我决定把自己完全投入到我的实验室和我的学生中,而减少我的商业生涯,因为我觉得在我所选择的职业中挑战要大得多。 This is precisely the time when I initiated the studies in Immunogenetics that resulted in my being awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine. I made the observation that random bred animals immunized with antigens with restricted heterogeneity, such as hapten conjugates of poly L-lysine distribute themselves into two groups, responders and nonresponders. I sensed that this was an important phenomenon. I determined that responsiveness to these or other similar antigens is controlled by dominant autosomal genes termed immune response (Ir) genes. This was the beginning of a long and complex story that led to our understanding of the manner in which these genes, located in the major histocompatibility complex of mammals, exercise their function and determine immune responsiveness. By then I had become Professor of Pathology at New York University. The opportunity, however, arose at the request of John Seal to assume the Directorship of the Laboratory of Immunology of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease in Bethesda, where I moved in 1968 together with William Paul and Ira Green. Such a laboratory offered very attractive facilities and precious inbred guinea pig strains essential to my work in immunogenetics. Much of the insight on the mechanism of Ir gene function has indeed been obtained in that laboratory, from experiments of William Paul, Ira Green, Alan Rosenthal, Ethan Shevach, and Ronald Schwartz, with the systems I developed.

manbet手机版1970年,罗伯特·埃伯特院长邀请我担任哈佛医学院病理学系主任。manbet手机版我搬到哈佛来,是因为我想念大学的环境,特别是想念与学生和同事们渴望、热情和不带偏见的年轻心灵的刺激互动。manbet手机版在Robert Ebert的要求下,我们在哈佛医学院启动了一个跨部门的免疫学研究生项目,该项目在我的同事Emile Unanue的指导下发展得非常成功。manbet手机版在哈佛大学,我继续与大卫·卡茨、马丁·多夫、朱迪思·卡普、卡尔·皮尔斯、罗纳德·杰曼和马克·格林一起研究免疫反应基因及其在特异性免疫调节中的作用。manbet手机版在Patrice Debré、Judith Kapp和Carl Waltenbaugh的帮助下,我们还确定了免疫反应基因在控制免疫抑制现象中的作用;manbet手机版我们与Steven Burakoff和Robert Finberg一起分析了溶细胞T淋巴细胞与Ir基因功能相关的特异性,并演示了T淋巴细胞在自体MHC基因产物的背景下识别抗原时如何产生变异体反应性。



manbet手机版1969年国立卫生研究院R.E. Dyer讲座
manbet手机版1974年,耶路撒冷希伯来大学Shai Schacknai拉比讲座奖和免疫学和癌症研究奖
manbet手机版T. Duckett Jones纪念奖海伦海惠特尼基金会1976年


manbet手机版从manbet手机版Les大奖赛诺贝尔manbet手机版.manbet手机版狗万世界杯1980年诺贝尔奖manbet手机版编辑Wilhelm Odelberg,[诺贝尔基金会],斯德哥尔摩,1981年





manbet手机版Baruj Benacerraf于2011年8月2日去世。


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