




manbet手机版书中塞弗特出生在布拉格郊区的一个工人阶级区。manbet手机版他从来没有迷失了流行的根源或贫困和社会弱势人群他长大。manbet手机版作为一个年轻人,他相信在社会主义革命和写诗和承诺它伸出热情的未来的许多其他年轻人自己的一代。manbet手机版他的诗很清楚,显然是简单而朴实的,元素的民歌,熟悉演讲和日常生活场景。manbet手机版他拒绝了高架早期的风格和形式主义。manbet手机版他的用词特点是轻的触摸,性感,旋律和节奏,一个活跃的创造力和嬉闹交替的感觉,甚至痛苦。manbet手机版他的这些特性是始终不变的。manbet手机版然而,他不是一个天真的艺术家。manbet手机版他是一个诗人和一个异常广泛的语体风格。manbet手机版在早期他接触到当代欧洲现代主义,尤其是法国超现实主义、达达主义。 He is also a sovereign master of traditional forms of poetry with complicated rhythms, and rhyme-schemes. He is as much at home with the drastic force of the broadside ballad as with the sophisticated artistry of the sonnet.

manbet手机版塞弗特的通用性和灵活性的不断创新和令人惊讶的风格相匹配的一个同样丰富的人力寄存器的感觉,洞察力和想象力。manbet手机版他的同情心和团结集中的感觉,不是一个系统或一个狭窄的计划,但在人类——生活,爱,感情,工作,创建、fabulating,痛苦,笑,渴望——简而言之所有那些生活,快乐或者不快乐,生活是一种冒险和体验,而不是压迫按照党计划之一。manbet手机版人类社会的创建。manbet手机版国家为人民而不是反之亦然。manbet手机版有一个无政府状态的元素塞弗特的生活哲学,抗议削减下来的一切生活的可能性,减少人类在某些机器齿轮。manbet手机版也许这听起来似乎无关痛痒。manbet手机版但塞弗特从来没有无害的。manbet手机版甚至他的少年诗歌意味着解放和坚持未来将废除战争,压迫和想要的,并将为那些在生活中快乐和美丽迄今为止几乎没有。manbet手机版诗歌和艺术将有助于实现这一目标。manbet手机版他的要求,希望有信心和青春的辉煌。 During the 1920’s these hopes seemed to be on the verge of fulfilment – and avant-garde literature and art accorded with these hopes. But during the 1930’s and 1940’s the horizon darkened. Economic and political reality proved unable to live up to the rosy dreams. Seifert’s poetry acquired new characteristics – a calmer tone, a remembrance of the history and culture of his own country, a defence of national identity and of those who had preserved it, especially the great authors and artists of the past. Even purely personal experiences and memories were touched with melancholy – the transience of life, the inconstancy of emotion, the impermanence of the childhood and youth which had passed, and of the ties of love. Yet all was not melancholia and nostalgia in Seifert’s work – far from it. The concreteness and freshness of his perceptions and his images continued to flourish. He wrote some of his most beautiful love lyrics, his popularity increased and it was at this time that the foundations of his position as a national poet were firmly laid. He was loved as dearly for the astonishing clarity, musicality and sensuality of his poems as for his unembellished but deeply felt identification with his country and its people. He had dissociated himself from the communism of his youth and from the anti-intellectual dogmatism it had developed into. Towards the end of the 1930’s and during the 1940’s Czechoslovakia fell under the yoke of the Nazis and Jaroslav Seifert committed himself to the defence of his country, its freedom and its past. He eulogized the Prague rebellion of 1945 and the liberation of his country.


manbet手机版今天,许多人认为书塞弗特捷克斯洛伐克的诗人的化身。manbet手机版他代表自由,热情和创造力,看作是这一代的人丰富的文化和传统的国家。manbet手机版他的方法是描述和赞美那些在生活和另一个世界不受教条和规定,政治或其他。manbet手机版通过文字另他描绘了一幅世界各种政府和他们的追随者可能挤干,让贫困。manbet手机版他称赞的布拉格开花和弹簧,住在记忆,希望或挑衅的人拒绝遵循的精神。manbet手机版他称赞爱,确实是我们这个时代的真正伟大的诗人之一。manbet手机版温柔、悲伤、性感、幽默、欲望和所有人之间的感情爱产生和包含这些诗的主题。manbet手机版他称赞女人——年轻的少女,学生,匿名的,旧的,他的母亲,他心爱的。manbet手机版女人,对他来说,几乎是一个神话般的人物,一个女神代表一切反对男性的傲慢和渴望权力。manbet手机版即便如此,她从来没有成为一个抽象的符号,但活着出现在诗人的新鲜和非常规的语言艺术。 He conjures up for us another world than that of tyranny and desolation – a world that exists both here and now, although it may be hidden from our view and bound in chains, and one that exists in our dreams and our will and our art and our indomitable spirit. His poetry is a kind of maieutics – an act of deliverance.


manbet手机版从manbet手机版诺贝尔演讲manbet手机版1981 - 1990、文学manbet手机版编辑,责任编辑撕Frangsmyr主席艾伦,世界科学出版有限公司,新加坡,1993年


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