






manbet手机版当贵国国王古斯塔夫·阿道夫六世陛下向我颁发诺贝尔奖证书时,我不禁感慨地回忆起他作为王储决心为亚辛卫城的发掘工作作出个人贡献的日子。狗万世界杯manbet手机版当我第一次见到阿克塞尔·佩尔松(Axel Persson)时,那个慷慨的人也致力于同样的挖掘工作,我称他为我的教父——教父,因为阿辛给了我一首诗。











manbet手机版无论如何,克里特岛的复兴在17世纪中期开始衰落。manbet手机版那时,许多克里特人在伊奥尼亚群岛和希腊的其他地方寻求庇护。manbet手机版他们带来了自己的诗歌,这些诗歌烂熟于心,在新的环境中立即被接受。manbet手机版这些诗歌有时与大陆希腊人保存下来的流行歌曲,以及他们的传说,融合在一起,延续了许多代。manbet手机版有证据表明,其中一些可以追溯到异教徒时代;manbet手机版其他的在几个世纪的过程中出现,比如拜占庭时代的产物Digenis Acritas循环。manbet手机版它们使我们认识到,古往今来,人们对待工作、苦难、欢乐、爱情和死亡的态度始终没有改变。manbet手机版但与此同时,他们的表达又如此清新,如此自由,充满人性,让我们直观地感受到希腊精神在多大程度上始终忠于自己。manbet手机版到目前为止,我一直避免给你们举例子。manbet手机版无论我多么感激我的翻译们——正是通过他们,你们才能了解我——当我把自己的语言翻译成不属于我的语言时,我有一种无法恢复的扭曲的痛苦感觉。 Forgive me if for the moment I cannot help making an exception. It is a very short poem about the death of a loved one:



manbet手机版在现代希腊诗歌史上不乏奇人异事。manbet手机版例如,如果一个由水手、农民和士兵组成的国家的诗歌以粗犷而简单的歌曲开始,那就会自然得多。manbet手机版但事与愿违。manbet手机版故事始于一个出生在赞特岛的人,他被绝对的守护神所驱使。manbet手机版当时爱奥尼亚群岛的文化水平远远高于大陆。manbet手机版索罗莫斯曾在意大利留学。manbet手机版他是一个伟大的欧洲人,非常清楚那个世纪诗歌所面临的问题。manbet手机版他本可以在意大利大展拳脚的。manbet手机版他用意大利语写诗,他不缺乏鼓励;manbet手机版但他更喜欢狭窄的大门,并决定用希腊语工作。 Solomos certainly knew the poems that the Cretan refugees had brought with them. He was a fervent partisan of the popular language and an enemy of purism. His views on the subject have been preserved in hismanbet手机版诗人与迂腐学者的对话manbet手机版(我们应该从拉伯雷使用Sorbonicole这个词的意义上理解这个词)。manbet手机版我随意引用:“在我的脑海里,除了自由和语言,还有什么吗?”manbet手机版或者再一次:“服从人民的语言,如果你足够强大,就能征服它。manbet手机版他进行了这次征服,并通过这次征服成为了一个伟大的希腊人。manbet手机版毫无疑问,索罗莫斯是《自由赞美诗》的作者,《自由赞美诗》的第一个诗节已成为我国的国歌,他还创作了在上个世纪被编成音乐并广为传唱的其他诗歌。manbet手机版但这并不是他的遗产对我们如此宝贵的原因;manbet手机版而是因为他在他的年龄所允许的范围内,尽可能明确地描绘了希腊表达应该采取的路线。manbet手机版他热爱这种鲜活的语言,并终其一生致力于将其提高到他所梦想的诗歌水平。manbet手机版这是一项超越任何个人力量的努力。manbet手机版在他的伟大诗歌中,例如《被围困的自由人》,灵感来自于米索隆吉镇的围困和苦难,但留给我们的只有碎片,那是工匠带进坟墓的一颗钻石的灰尘。manbet手机版我们只有碎片和空白来表现这个伟大灵魂的斗争,就像即将断裂的弓弦一样紧张。 Many generations of Greek writers have bent over those fragments and those blank spaces. Solomos died in 1857. In 1927,manbet手机版吉奈卡就是扎金索斯manbet手机版《赞特的女人》第一次出版,使他成为一个伟大的散文作家,就像他长期以来被公认为伟大的诗人一样。manbet手机版这是一部宏伟的作品,对我们的思想产生了深远的影响。manbet手机版命运以一种重要的方式决定,在他死后七十年,所罗门斯将用这条信息来回应新一代的不安。manbet手机版他总是一个开端。

manbet手机版安德烈亚斯·卡尔沃斯,与所罗门斯同时代,是希腊文学中最孤立的人物之一。manbet手机版连他的肖像都没有。manbet手机版他是意大利诗人乌戈·福斯科洛(Ugo Foscolo)的朋友,不久就卷入了一场争吵。manbet手机版他出生在赞特岛,在科孚岛生活了多年。manbet手机版他似乎和索罗莫斯没有任何联系。manbet手机版他的全部作品都是在他不到三十岁时出版的薄薄的二十篇颂诗。manbet手机版年轻时,他在意大利、瑞士和英国到处旅行。manbet手机版他有一种崇高的思想,充满了十八世纪末的道德观念,致力于美德,强烈反对暴政。manbet手机版他的诗歌灵感来自于一个殉难民族的伟大和悲伤。manbet手机版看到这个从小就失去母亲的男人如何在意识深处将对失去母亲的爱与对国家的爱相提并论,令人感动。 His language is irregular; his rhymes idiosyncratic; he had a classical ideal in mind and despised what he called «the monotony of the Cretan poems» that had given so much to Solomos. But his images are flashes of lightning and of such immediate power that they seem to tear his poetry apart. After a solitary life on Corfu, devoted to teaching, he left the Ionian Islands for good. He married a second time in London and with his wife opened a boarding school for girls in a small provincial town in England. There he lived for fourteen years until his death, without ever renewing contact with Greece.

manbet手机版我对那些被丁尼生的阴影笼罩的地区进行了朝圣。manbet手机版一位喜欢这个地区的老人告诉我,他曾经采访过八十岁的老妇人,她们都是卡尔沃斯的学生,记忆中充满了对她们的老主人的尊敬。manbet手机版但我还是无法摆脱那个面目模糊的人的形象,他穿着黑衣,在一个孤立的海角上敲击着他的七弦琴。manbet手机版他的工作被人遗忘了;manbet手机版毫无疑问,他的声音不符合当时雅典流行的虚幻和浪漫的修辞风格。manbet手机版他在1890年被科斯蒂斯·帕拉马斯重新发现。manbet手机版与此同时,希腊已经成熟,正是现代希腊的年轻力量开始迸发的时候。manbet手机版争取一种活着的语言的斗争正在扩大。manbet手机版有夸张之处,但那是很自然的。manbet手机版这场持续多年的斗争超越了文学范畴,其特点是要挑战当前的每一个方面。 It turned enthusiastically toward public education. One rejected ready-made forms and ideas. One certainly wanted to preserve the heritage of the ancients, but at the same time there was an interest in the common people; one wanted to illuminate the one by the other. One wondered about the identity of the Greek of today. Scholars and schoolmasters took part in this struggle. Important studies of Greek folklore appeared during this period, and there was a growing realization of the continuity of our tradition as well as of the need for a critical spirit.

manbet手机版科斯蒂斯·帕拉马斯在这场运动中发挥了重要作用。manbet手机版我第一次见到他时还是个青少年;manbet手机版他在演讲。manbet手机版他个子很矮,一双深邃的眼睛和声音给人留下了深刻的印象,他的声音丰富而略带颤抖。manbet手机版他的作品博大精深,影响了希腊数十年的文学生活。manbet手机版他在各种类型的诗歌中表达自己——抒情诗、史诗诗和讽刺诗;manbet手机版同时,他也是我们最重要的评论家。manbet手机版他对外国文学有着惊人的了解,这再次证明了希腊是一个十字路口,自希罗多德或柏拉图时代以来,它从未对外国潮流关闭过,尤其是在它最好的时刻。manbet手机版帕拉马斯不可避免地有敌人,通常是那些从他开辟的道路中获利的人。manbet手机版我认为他是一种自然的力量,与之相比,批评家们显得微不足道。 When he appeared, it was as if a force of nature, held back and accumulated for over a thousand years of purism, had finally burst the dikes. When the waters are freed to flood a thirsty plain, one must not ask that they carry only flowers. Palamas was profoundly aware of all the components of our civilization, ancient, Byzantine, and modern. A world of unexpressed things thronged his soul. It was that world, his world, which he liberated. I would not maintain that his abundance never harmed him, but the people that assembled about his coffin in 1943 clearly felt something of what I have just told you when at the moment of final farewell they spontaneously sang our national anthem, the hymn to freedom, under the eyes of the occupation authorities.

manbet手机版一百五十四首诗构成了康斯坦丁·卡瓦菲的已知作品,他是帕拉马斯的对立面。manbet手机版在诗人中,他的动力不是文字,这是很罕见的;manbet手机版危险在于言语过多。manbet手机版他是兴盛于埃及的希腊文化的一部分,如今正在消失。manbet手机版除了几次缺席,他的一生都在他的家乡亚历山大度过。manbet手机版他的艺术以拒绝和历史感为特点。manbet手机版我所说的历史并不是指过去的历史,而是生活在现在的历史,它揭示了我们现在的生活,它的戏剧和它的命运。manbet手机版我把卡瓦菲比作亚历山德里亚海岸的普罗吐斯,荷马说,他不断地变换着他的形态。manbet手机版他的传统不是索罗莫斯和帕拉马斯所遵循的流行艺术;manbet手机版这是学术传统。 Whereas they took their inspiration from a propular song or tale, he would have recourse to Plutarch or to an obscure chronicler or to the deeds of a Ptolemy or a Seleucid. His language is a mixture of what he learned from his family (a fine family from Constantinople) and what his ear picked up in the streets of Alexandria, for he was a city man. He loved countries and periods in which the frontiers are not well defined, in which personalities and beliefs are fluid. Many of his characters are partly pagan and partly Christian, or live in a mixed environment: «Syrians, Greeks, Armenians, Medes», as he has said. Once you have become familiar with his poetry, you begin to ask yourself if it is not a projection of our present life into the past, or perhaps if history has not decided all of a sudden to invade our present existence. His world is a preliminary world that comes back to life with the grace of a young body. His friend E.M. Forster told me that, when he read to him for the first time a translation of his poems, Cavafy exclaimed in surprise, «But you understand, my dear Forster, you understand» He had so completely forgotten what it was like to be understood!

manbet手机版从那时起,时间过去了,卡瓦菲被大量翻译和评论。manbet手机版此时此刻,我想到了你们真正的诗人和慷慨的希腊人,已故的哈亚尔马尔·古尔贝格,他把卡瓦菲介绍到了瑞典。manbet手机版但希腊有几个方面,并不是所有方面都很明显。manbet手机版我想到了诗人Anghelos Sikelianos。manbet手机版我很了解他,很容易回想起他朗诵诗歌时那优美的嗓音。manbet手机版他有一种昔日诗人的光辉,但同时他对我们的土地和农民出奇地熟悉。manbet手机版每个人都爱他。manbet手机版他被简单地称为“Anghelos”,就好像他是他们中的一员。manbet手机版他本能地知道如何在帕纳萨斯牧羊人或乡村妇女的言语和行为与他所居住的神圣世界之间建立一种联系。manbet手机版他被神附身,一股由阿波罗、狄奥尼修斯和基督组成的力量。 A poem he wrote one Christmas night during the last war, «Dionysius in the Manger», begins «my sweet child, my Dionysus and my Christ.» And it is truly amazing to see how in Greece the old pagan religion has blended with orthodox Christianity. In Greece Dionysus, too, was a crucified god. Cavafy, who has so strongly felt and expressed the resurrection of man and the world, is nonetheless the same man who has written, «Death is the only way.» He understood that life and death are two faces of the same thing. I used to visit him whenever I passed through Greece. He suffered from a long illness, but the force that inspired him never left him to the end. One evening at his home, after his fainting spell had alarmed us, he told me, «I have seen the absolute black; it was unspeakably beautiful.»

manbet手机版现在,我想以一个我一直很珍视的人来结束这段简短的叙述;manbet手机版他在我困难的时候支持我,当时我似乎失去了一切希望。manbet手机版即使在我的国家,他也是一个极端的对比案例。manbet手机版他不是知识分子。manbet手机版但被抛回自我的智力有时需要新鲜,就像死者在回答尤利西斯之前需要新鲜血液一样。manbet手机版三十五岁时,他学会了一点读写,据他说,这是为了记录他在独立战争期间的所见所闻,他曾非常积极地参与了这场战争。manbet手机版他叫扬尼斯·马克里扬尼斯。manbet手机版我把他比作我们国家的一棵古老的橄榄树,它是由自然因素塑造的,我相信它可以教给一个人智慧。manbet手机版他也是由人类的因素,由许多代人的灵魂塑造的。manbet手机版他于18世纪末出生在希腊本土靠近特尔斐的地方。 He tells us how his poor mother, while she was gathering faggots, was seized by labour pains and gave birth to him in a forest. He was not a poet, but song was in him, as it has always been in the soul of the common people. When a foreigner, a Frenchman, visited him, he invited him for a meal; he tells us, «My guest wanted to hear some of our songs, so I invented some for him.» He had a singular talent for expression; his writing resembles a wall built stone by stone; all his words perform their function and have their roots; sometimes there is something Homeric in their movement. No other man has taught me more how to write prose. He disliked the false pretences of rhetoric. In a moment of anger he exclaimed, «You have appointed a new commander to the citadel of Corinth – a pedant. His name was Achilles, and in hearing the name you thought that it was the famous Achilles and that the name was going to fight. But a name never fights; what fights is valour, love of one’s country, and virtue.» But at the same time one perceives his love for the ancient heritage, when he said to soldiers who were about to sell two statues to foreigners: «Even if they pay you ten thousand thalers, don’t let the statues leave our soil. It is for them that we fought.» Considering that the war had left many scars on the body of this man, one may rightly conclude that these words carried some weight. Toward the end of his life his fate became tragic. His wounds caused him intolerable pain. He was persecuted, thrown into prison, tried, and condemned. In his despair he wrote letters to God. «And You don’t hear us, You don’t see us.» That was the end. Makriyannis died in the middle of the last century. His memoirs were deciphered and published in 1907. It took many more years for the young to realize his true stature.

manbet手机版我向你们谈到这些人,是因为自从我踏上瑞典之旅以来,他们的影子就一直跟着我,因为他们的努力在我心中代表着一个被枷锁束缚了几个世纪的身体的努力,当枷锁最终被打破时,他们重新获得了生命,摸索和寻找自己的自然活动。manbet手机版毫无疑问,我的账户有很多局限性。manbet手机版我把事情简单化了。manbet手机版我特别不喜欢的限制存在于任何个人事务中。manbet手机版我当然省略了伟大的名字,例如,阿达曼提奥斯·科莱斯和亚历山德罗斯·帕帕迪亚曼蒂斯。manbet手机版但怎么能不做选择地谈论这一切呢?manbet手机版原谅我的缺点。manbet手机版在任何情况下,我只指出了一些里程碑,而且我做得尽可能简单。manbet手机版除了这些人之外,在把他们分开的时期,当然还有许多代敬业的工人,他们牺牲了自己的生命,使精神更接近于希腊人的多面表达。manbet手机版我还想表达我对我的人民的团结,不仅是对思想大师的团结,而且也对那些不为人知的、被忽视的人团结,那些人像崇拜圣像一样虔诚地研读一本书; with the children who had to walk for hours to get to schools far away from their villages «to learn the letters, the things of God», as their song has it. To echo once more my friend Makriyannis, one must not say «I» one must say «we», because no one does anything alone. I think it is good that it be so. I need that solidarity because, if I do not understand the men of our country with their virtues and vices, I feel that I could not understand the other men in the wide world.

manbet手机版我没有跟你说古人的事。manbet手机版我不想让你累。manbet手机版也许我该补充几句。manbet手机版自15世纪拜占庭帝国灭亡以来,它们日益成为人类的遗产。manbet手机版他们已经融入了我们所谓的欧洲文明。manbet手机版我们高兴地看到,有这么多国家的贡献使他们更接近我们的生活。manbet手机版然而,有些东西仍然是我们不可剥夺的财产。manbet手机版当我读到荷马的简单的字«manbet手机版daoz helioiomanbet手机版-今天我会说«manbet手机版DWZ tou hlioumanbet手机版(阳光)我体验到一种来自集体灵魂的熟悉,而不是来自智力的努力。manbet手机版可以说,这是一种和谐的音调;manbet手机版它给人的感觉和翻译给人的感觉很不一样。manbet手机版毕竟,我们说的是同一种语言——如果你坚持说,这种语言经过几千年的进化已经发生了变化,但尽管一切都忠于自己——对语言的感觉既来自于知识,也来自于情感。manbet手机版这种语言显示了世世代代重复的行为和态度的印记,一直延续到我们自己。manbet手机版这些印记有时以一种令人惊讶的方式简化了在别人看来非常困难的解释问题。manbet手机版我不会说我们是同一个血统,因为我厌恶种族主义的理论,但我们一直生活在同一个国家,见过同样的山倾斜入海。manbet手机版也许我使用“传统”这个词时并没有指出它并不意味着习惯。manbet手机版相反,传统依靠打破习惯的能力来支持我们,从而证明了它的生命力。


manbet手机版最后,我还没有对你们说到我们之后的那一代人,他们的童年和青春期在上次战争的岁月中遭到摧残。manbet手机版毫无疑问,它有新的问题和其他观点:希腊正变得越来越工业化。manbet手机版各国正更加紧密地联系在一起。manbet手机版世界在变化。manbet手机版它的运动正在加速。manbet手机版可以说,新一代的特点是指出深渊,无论是在人类的灵魂还是在我们周围的宇宙。manbet手机版持续时间的概念已经改变。manbet手机版这是一个悲伤而不安的年轻一代。manbet手机版我理解它的困难;manbet手机版毕竟,它们和我们的并没有太大的不同。 A great worker for our liberty, Righas Pheraios, has taught us: «Free thoughts are good thoughts.» But I should like our youth to think at the same time of the saying engraved on the lintel above the gate of your university at Uppsala: «Free thoughts are good; just thoughts are better.»




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