






manbet手机版事实上,心灵的每一种创造首先都是“诗意”的;manbet手机版既然在感性和理智的两种方式之间存在着等价性,那么在诗人和科学家的工作中最初发挥的作用也是相同的。manbet手机版散漫的思想还是诗意的省略——这两者中哪一个去到更偏远的地区,又从更偏远的地区回来?manbet手机版在那个原始的夜晚,两个天生失明的人摸索着他们的道路,一个人拥有科学的工具,另一个人只依靠他的想象力的闪光,哪一个带着短暂的磷光更早更沉重地回来?manbet手机版答案并不重要。manbet手机版两者都有共同的神秘。manbet手机版诗意心灵的伟大冒险决不次于现代科学的戏剧性进步。manbet手机版天文学家对宇宙膨胀的理论感到困惑,但在人类宇宙的道德无限中,也有同样的膨胀。manbet手机版只要科学的前沿被推后,在这些前沿延伸的弧线上,人们就会听到诗人的猎犬在追逐。manbet手机版因为,正如前面所说,即使诗歌不是“绝对的现实”,它也非常接近它,因为诗歌对现实有强烈的渴望和深刻的感知,因为它处于合作的极端极限,在那里,现实似乎在诗中呈现出来。 Through analogy and symbolism, through the remote illuminations of mediating imagery, through the interplay of their correspondences in a thousand chains of reactions and strange associations, and finally, through the grace of a language into which the very rhythm of Being has been translated, the poet invests himself with a surreality that cannot be that of science. Is there among men a more striking dialectic, one that engages them more completely? Since even the philosophers are deserting the threshold of metaphysics, it is the poets’s task to retrieve metaphysics; thus poetry, not philosophy, reveals itself as the true «daughter of wonder», according to the words of that ancient philosopher to whom it was most suspect.

manbet手机版但诗歌不仅仅是一种感知方式,它首先是一种生活方式,一种完整的生活方式。manbet手机版诗人生活在穴居人中间;manbet手机版他将存在于原子时代的人类之中,因为他是人类固有的一部分。manbet手机版甚至宗教也诞生于对诗歌的需要,这是一种精神上的需要,正是通过诗歌的恩典,神圣的火花在人类的燧石中永远存在。manbet手机版当神话消失时,神圣就会在诗歌中找到庇护,甚至延续。manbet手机版正如在古代的游行队伍中,拿面包的人让位给拿火炬的人一样,现在在社会秩序和人类迫切需要的领域中,诗意的想象仍然照亮着各国人民追求光明的崇高激情。manbet手机版看看人类在永恒任务的重压下骄傲地行走;manbet手机版当一种新的人文主义展现在他的面前,它充满了真正的普遍性和灵魂的完整性。manbet手机版现代诗歌忠实于它的任务,即探索人的奥秘,它所从事的事业与人的充分融合有关。manbet手机版在这样的诗里没有任何皮提斯的东西。 Nor is it purely aesthetic. It is neither the art of the embalmer, nor that of the decorator. It does not breed cultured pearls, nor does it deal in semblances and emblems, and it would not be satisfied by any feast of music. Poetry allies itself with beauty – a supreme union – but never uses it as its ultimate goal or sole nourishment. Refusing to divorce art from life, love from perception, it is action, it is passion, it is power, and always the innovation which extend borders. Love is its hearth-fire, insurrection its law; its place is everywhere, in anticipation. It wants neither to deny nor to keep aloof, it expects no benefits from the advantages of its time. Attached to its own destiny and free from any ideology, it recognizes itself the equal of life, which is its own justification. And with one embrace, like a single great, living strophe, it clasps both past and future in the present, the human with the superhuman planetary space with universal space. The obscurity for which it is reproached pertains not to its own nature, which is to illuminate, but to the night which it explores, the night of the soul and the mystery in which human existence is shrouded. Obscurity is banished from its expression and this expression is no less exacting than that of science.

manbet手机版因此,由于诗人完全坚持存在,他为我们维持了一种与存在的永恒和统一的关系。manbet手机版他的教训是乐观主义。manbet手机版对他来说,整个世界都是由一条和谐的法则所支配的。manbet手机版自然所发生的事,没有一件能超越人类的能力。manbet手机版历史上最糟糕的动荡不过是一个更大的重复和更新周期中的季节性节奏。manbet手机版而举着火把穿过现场的复仇女神们,只是这漫长历史进程的一个片段。manbet手机版成熟的文明不会在一个秋天的阵痛中消亡:它们只是在变化。manbet手机版惰性是唯一的威胁。manbet手机版诗人是突破我们习惯的人。manbet手机版通过这种方式,诗人发现自己与历史紧密相连。 No aspect of the drama of his times is foreign to him. May he give all of us a clear taste of life in this great age. For this is a great and new time calling for a new self-appraisal. And, after all, to whom would we yield the honour of belonging to our age?




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