

manbet手机版我manbet手机版出生在1937年12月31日,在Karcag,匈牙利。manbet手机版Karcag是一个拥有25000居民的小镇,布达佩斯以东大约150公里。manbet手机版它有一个犹太社区的近一千人。manbet手机版Moshe Hershko,我的父亲是一名教师在犹太人Karcag小学;manbet手机版那个镇上大部分的犹太儿童是他的学生。manbet手机版他的前学生从匈牙利,后来从以色列,他钦佩描述为一个令人鼓舞的教师和教育家的角色模型。manbet手机版我的母亲杀伤力/玛吉特(“Manci”)是一个教育和音乐天赋的女人。manbet手机版她给了一些英语和钢琴课Karcag儿童。manbet手机版我的哥哥,查,生于1936年,不到两年的时间在我面前。manbet手机版我妈妈非常想也一个女婴,但《纽约时报》在第二次世界大战前夕,希特勒的尖叫可以经常在收音机上听到的,我的父母成为未来的忧虑,因此并未试图生育更多的孩子。 Still, my recollections of my early childhood are of very happy times, with loving and supporting parents, growing up in a nice house with a beautiful garden, created by my father who was also an amateur (but avid) gardener. A family picture from these times, with my parents, my brother and I as an infant, shows well the warmth of my family.


manbet手机版在1944年的春天,匈牙利的独裁者Horthy明白德国失去了战争,并计划沙漠。manbet手机版德国人感觉到这并迅速占领了匈牙利。manbet手机版这是紧随其后的快速灭绝的匈牙利的犹太人。manbet手机版在1944年5月- 6月,大多数犹太人集中在贫民区,然后运到在波兰死亡集中营。manbet手机版那时我六岁。manbet手机版我们是在市郊的贫民区Karcag了几个星期,然后被转移到Szolnok非常拥挤的贫民窟,这是一个大的城市在同一地区。manbet手机版从这里开始,犹太人从整个地区运输进一步在货运列车。manbet手机版他们被告知他们被派去工作,但战争结束后我们了解到大多数火车都前往奥斯维辛。manbet手机版一些随机事件,我和我的家人被放在为数不多的列车,前往奥地利,犹太人被实际用于劳动。manbet手机版这个群体包括我的母亲和我们两个孩子,我的祖父母和我的三个姑姑。 In Austria we were in a small village near Vienna, where adults worked in the fields and in a factory. We were liberated by the Soviet Army on the spring of 1945. My maternal grandparents perished in the Holocaust, along with 360,000 Hungarian Jews and almost two-thirds of the Jewish people of Karcag. Following our reunion with my father in 1946, the family lived for three years in Budapest, where my father found job as a schoolteacher. The family emigrated to Israel in 1950.





manbet手机版1956年,我开始研究在耶路撒冷希伯来大学——沙龙医学院,这是当时唯一的医学院在以色列(现在有四个)。manbet手机版在基本科学医学研究的一部分,我爱上了生物化学。manbet手机版我在三个不同的课程学习生物化学:有机化学,生物化学和基础课程叫做“生理化学”,面向医学生物化学。manbet手机版我非常幸运的在所有三个杰出的教师的课程。manbet手机版有机化学被Yeshayahu Leibowitz教,一个传奇的人在以色列,一个高度原创思想家的知识涵盖哲学、政治学、圣经,犹太法典、医学、化学和更多。manbet手机版他可能是我最好的老师,这是一个知识盛宴听他的话。manbet手机版莱博维茨爱生物化学,生物化学,他偷偷溜进他的讲座在有机化学只要他能,经常。manbet手机版基本生物化学被什洛莫Hestrin教授,也是一个鼓舞人心的老师有一种特别的天赋转移他对科学的热情的学生。manbet手机版教授生理化学是由恩斯特教授讲述德国犹太血统的人我们有困难去理解因为他的浓重的德国口音,但有一个很好的集成的角度的新陈代谢的水平的总身体和生理生化的上下文。manbet手机版另一部分相同的课程教了雅各瘦的。 Mager was an outstanding biochemist and a man of encyclopedic knowledge. However, he was very shy and quite a bad classroom teacher (though an excellent teacher in the laboratory, as I learned later). Most of his lectures were delivered while he was writing whole metabolic pathways on the blackboard, without any notes, with his face to the blackboard and his back directed to the class. Still, I was so much impressed by the depth and breadth of his knowledge of biochemistry that I decided to ask Mager to do some research in his laboratory.



manbet手机版我在1960年开始在马杰的实验室工作。manbet手机版在那个时候,没有正式M.D.-Ph.D。manbet手机版程序在希伯来大学,但可以做一年的研究在临床前和临床之间多年的医学研究。manbet手机版我这么做,虽然我完成了医学研究后来,那年年底我已经知道我要做研究,而不是临床实践。manbet手机版我非常幸运有雅各瘦的我的导师和导师的生化研究。manbet手机版他是一个科学家,令人难以置信的兴趣和知识的范围。manbet手机版他在生物医学科目很感兴趣,他知道几乎所有的科目和他同时在3 - 4工作完全不同的研究项目。manbet手机版这无疑造成分散他对科学的贡献,但给他的学生提供了一个广泛的经验在一个不同的生物化学领域,相对较小的实验室。manbet手机版在几年的时间我与瘦的课题不同,多胺在蛋白质合成的影响manbet手机版在体外manbet手机版,glucose-6-hosphate脱氢酶缺陷和嘌呤核苷酸代谢的各种各样的方面,包括酶学和监管。manbet手机版在这段时间里,我也完成了我的医学研究,我服兵役作为一名医生(1965 - 1967),然后返回两年马杰的实验室完成我的博士论文(1967 - 69)。manbet手机版我收到了从瘦的不仅仅是一个广泛的生物化学,但也是一个非常坚实的基础。manbet手机版他是一个非常严格的实验者,每个实验都是用所有可能的积极的和消极的控制,所有实验进行重复,每一个重要新发现必须重复几次,让它足够可信。manbet手机版我欠很多雅各瘦的强大背景的严格的生物化学。



manbet手机版我遇到了朱迪思(nee Leibowitz)在1963年,我们同年年底结婚。manbet手机版朱迪在瑞士出生和长大。manbet手机版在生物学研究后,她决定在以色列呆一年。manbet手机版在今年,她曾在沙龙的血液学实验室在耶路撒冷。manbet手机版有一天,我走到血液学实验室获得血液样本,为我的研究,我需要和我们彼此文学上地撞上了。manbet手机版这种碰撞导致她在以色列停留超过一年,现在我们结婚41年。manbet手机版我们有三个儿子:丹(1964)、后(1968年)和欧迪(1975)。manbet手机版丹是一名外科医生,后是一个计算机工程师,欧迪是一个医科学生。manbet手机版我们现在有六个孙子:玛雅(1994年),李(1997),Roni (1998), Ela (2000) Ori(2002)和日常用品(2004)。manbet手机版不用说,朱迪和我都喜欢我们所有的孙子。 During all our years together, I got tremendous support from Judy. Although she came from one of the world’s most peaceful countries to one of the least, and from a very comfortable and pampering environment to quite primitive surroundings, she stood her ground with a lot of energy, courage and cheerful optimism. She always took care of all my possible needs, as well as the needs of our children and grandchildren. Judy is not only a very beautiful woman, but she also radiates a lot of caring, love and compassion. In addition to providing so much support at home, she also helped me a lot in the laboratory over a period of more than 15 years. The ubiquitin system was helped by Judy in more than one way.



manbet手机版在1969 - 71年我还是个博士后研究员戈登·汤姆金斯的生物化学和生物物理学在旧金山加州大学的。manbet手机版我遇到了戈登前一年,当他给了一些讲座在以色列。manbet手机版他很瘦的不同:外向,活泼,充满原始的想法。manbet手机版与马杰,戈登不关心控制或实验的细节,但他是一个火山的一个人,不断的爆发与伟大的思想和他是一个美妙的刺激器的许多其他研究者的工作。manbet手机版许多杰出的科学家谁知道当时戈登·汤姆金斯(不幸的是,他英年早逝)还说到他非常敬佩。manbet手机版他流露出一个伟大的个人魅力和我喜欢他。manbet手机版我认为戈登可能会添加一些新的尺寸我开发科学的确是这种情况。manbet手机版我有很多刺激和生物的角度从戈登,而我继续使用我从瘦的严格控制。manbet手机版按照附带的讲座,我了解了蛋白质降解和着迷于这个过程,我正与戈登服饰品牌。



manbet手机版我在1971年从旧金山返回以色列。manbet手机版最初,我打算回到耶路撒冷希伯来大学的,但是一项新的医学院在海法和我提供生物化学的主席。manbet手机版这听起来非常具有挑战性,我同意了,但后来事实证明是一个非常分钟生化单元在一个很小的带的医学院,所以在一开始我自己主要主持。manbet手机版一个如此小的初始原因是没有足够的空间容纳教员。manbet手机版整个医学院住,在一个临时的基础上,在以前全家人住在一座修道院。manbet手机版这“暂时”的情况持续了超过15年,直到医学院的新建筑于1987年竣工。manbet手机版然而,我曾在古老的修道院,伟大的时代和许多的发现泛素系统是在这里完成的。manbet手机版隔离可能有时会导致创造力,因为一个是不会介意其他人在做什么,不觉得有必要工作目前流行,“时尚”的主题。manbet手机版我非常幸运的组装有高度忠诚的研究团队,包括初汉娜海勒和Dvora Ganoth,后来,在不同的时间,表“性质”Eytan,我妻子朱迪,莎拉·伊莱亚斯和克拉拉西格尔。manbet手机版Dvora和表“性质”仍然与我合作。 My first graduate students were David Epstein, Yaacov Hod and Michael Aviram. For a number of years, we tried to establish a cell-free system that reproduces energy-dependent protein degradation in the test tube, essential for the biochemical analysis of this system. For this purpose, we tried different sources, such as liver homogenates and extracts from cultured cells and even from bacteria. We did not have any success in all these attempts. I remember that a biochemist friend from Jerusalem visited my laboratory and at the end of the visit she told me that I should not have most of my laboratory working on a hopeless subject. However, I was very obstinate and was obsessed with the idea that it would be possible to find out how proteins are degraded only with a biochemically analyzable cell-free system. Maybe I was lucky to work in such a remote and small place; in a larger institution, my graduate students and research assistants may have deserted me for some less frustrating research. Finally we used for biochemical fractionation the reticulocyte cell-free system established in the Goldberg laboratory (see Lecture). At that time, Aaron Ciechanover joined my laboratory for a D. Sc. thesis, after completing his medical studies and army service. Aaron was the most incredibly hard-working graduate student that I ever had. With his huge energies, he contributed a lot to the discovery of the ubiquitin system. He was also a natural manager, even as a graduate student. I recall that at the end of my sabbatical year in Philadelphia in 1978 (see below), after telling Ernie Rose how small the Israeli research grants were, Ernie suggested that I should apply for a foreign research grant from the NIH to support my work in Israel. I was inclined to do a couple of more experiments instead of writing a grant application, but Aaron pushed me into a chair and commanded: “now write the NIH grant application!” I wrote it and got the grant, the first of five consecutive grant periods supported by the NIH. It saved the situation in the Haifa lab at a very critical time. I am very grateful to the NIH for supporting my work and also to Aaron for forcing me to write the initial grant application.



manbet手机版发现泛素系统的故事描述在我的讲座,在这里我只添加一些有趣的情节从这些时间。manbet手机版分馏的网织红细胞溶解产物分数1和2是基于一个技巧,我学会了从净化的马杰红细胞的嘌呤核苷酸代谢的酶。manbet手机版血红蛋白约占80 - 90%的总蛋白的红细胞,网织红细胞,因此第一个任务从这些细胞酶的纯化是摆脱大量的血红蛋白。manbet手机版这是最方便的通过使用阴离子交换树脂deae纤维素,结合大部分non-hemoglobin蛋白质,但不是血红蛋白。manbet手机版在我们的例子中,这个过程导致损失的活动,也可以通过增加分数恢复1也不仅含有血红蛋白泛素。manbet手机版事实上,在我们实验室行话称为泛素一段时间“红色”,因为红色的血红蛋白在这个分数。manbet手机版后我们发现这个分数的因素(即。manbet手机版煮沸30分钟后,泛素)仍然是活跃的,我们咨询了Technion蛋白质专家告诉我们,我们的因素不能被一种蛋白质。manbet手机版然而,我们发现,它是一种蛋白质,基于其对蛋白酶的作用。manbet手机版也许这个故事的教训是,它是危险的咨询专家。

manbet手机版Technion工业工作了6年,我有一个安息年预计在1977 - 78。manbet手机版我有一个问题在选择一个人与我将休假。manbet手机版我知道的人(当时)小蛋白质降解,而且我不是很热情。manbet手机版许多人在这个领域有自己的宠物理论关于细胞内的蛋白质降解的高选择性的原因,没有多少(或任何)实验证据。manbet手机版再一次,我是幸运的。manbet手机版1976年,我参加了一个Fogarty会议上一个一般的主题在美国国立卫生研究院。manbet手机版欧文玫瑰也出席了这次会议,一天早上我加入他在早餐桌上。manbet手机版厄尼是众所周知的他在酶的工作机制。manbet手机版在我们谈话的过程中,我问他厄尼是什么感兴趣,和他的回答是:“蛋白质降解”。manbet手机版我有点吃惊,告诉他,我从没见过任何他发表的蛋白质降解。 His reply was: “There is nothing worth publishing on protein degradation!” I liked his critical attitude and Ernie being such a character and therefore I asked him to spend my sabbatical year in his laboratory. It turned out that Ernie Rose was really interested in protein degradation. When he had been a young faculty in the fifties at the Department of Biochemistry of Yale University, he talked to Melvin Simpson, another young faculty there, and Simpson told him about his experiments on the energy-dependence of the liberation of amino acids from proteins in liver slices (see Lecture). This aroused Ernie’s interest, and from time to time he did experiments trying to understand the energy-dependence of protein degradation. He did not make any significant progress in these experiments, therefore he did not publish anything on protein degradation.


manbet手机版厄尼玫瑰是第三人,除了瘦的服饰,我的科学生活有很大的影响。manbet手机版他非常不同于马杰和服饰。manbet手机版他喜欢解决问题,他对科学的态度分析。manbet手机版我更直观,所以我们互相补充。manbet手机版他是如此聪明的人并不总是理解他的想法,有点怕他。manbet手机版人们也经常担心他,因为他非常关键,并毫不犹豫地他的批评声音。manbet手机版我们相处一段时间内的20年,其中包括几个休假和许多夏季访问他在费城福克斯蔡斯癌症中心的实验室。manbet手机版我们唯一的纠纷时他拒绝被作者的工作,他确实做出了重要的贡献。manbet手机版在为数不多的他论文的合著者,我不得不迫使他同意。manbet手机版他在我们共同工作,是最无私的一种罕见的现象在今天的《科学》杂志上。 I asked him once why he keeps inviting me back to his laboratory, and his answer was: “I like the excitement.” Ernie always downplayed his contributions to the ubiquitin field. He wrote an autobiographical article formanbet手机版蛋白质科学manbet手机版1995年,“泛素”这个词并不是这回忆文章中提到。manbet手机版在我们的谈话他总是形容他在泛素的故事中所扮演的角色不仅仅是支持的,但这肯定不是真的。manbet手机版虽然有时,当我在他的实验室工作,他是吸附酶机制有问题,他会忘记我的存在对于一两个星期,但是突然他会想出一个明亮的建议对我目前的工作。manbet手机版我可以,厄尼的输入的想法,灵感和有益的批评是必不可少的泛素系统的发现和描述的一些主要的酶促反应途径。

manbet手机版其余的我的故事是一个很多关于更多的工作,而且很多科学的兴奋和乐趣。manbet手机版我继续固执,继续做许多被认为是老式的生物化学的年代,当强大的分子生物学技术。manbet手机版这种生化工作导致的发现三种类型的酶参与ubiquitin-protein结扎(E1, E2和E3),和一些酶的系统。manbet手机版随后,我感兴趣的角色ubiquitin-mediated蛋白质降解细胞分裂周期。manbet手机版这让我在伍兹霍尔海洋生物实验室(MBL),由于蛤oocycte无细胞系统的可用性,忠实地再现了细胞周期相关事件在试管中。manbet手机版这个系统很重要的发现Cyclosome / Anaphase-Promoting复杂,所述的讲座。manbet手机版在过去的十年里,我花我的夏天MBL出于同样的原因,我花了我在福克斯蔡斯癌症中心-萨默斯之前能够投入几乎我所有的时间做实验在一个宁静的环境。manbet手机版钳工是我伟大的爱好;manbet手机版我也在海法做钳工,但在更多兼职的基础上。manbet手机版我总是喜欢用自己的双手做实验,对心灵的安宁和兴奋。 Also, my own experiments were important for almost every significant progress made in my laboratory. One cannot have a more beautiful place than the MBL for doing experiments: the great natural beauty of the surroundings, the tranquility and outstanding scientific environment – all combine to make the MBL a great place for doing summer research.





manbet手机版MLA艾弗拉姆:Hershko——传记。manbet手机版。manbet手机版拓展AB 2023年诺贝尔奖。manbet手机版太阳,2023年2月12日。manbet手机版< // >

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