




manbet手机版我选择这个主题对我今晚的课,因为我认为大多数当前的讨论政治和政治理论的心理学考虑不足。manbet手机版经济事实、人口统计、宪法组织,等等,阐述详细。manbet手机版没有困难找到多少韩国人,有多少朝鲜人当朝鲜战争开始。manbet手机版如果你在正确的书你就能确定什么是他们的人均收入,和各自的军队的大小是什么。manbet手机版但如果你想知道韩国是什么样的人,以及是否有任何明显的北韩和韩国之间的区别;manbet手机版如果你想知道他们各自想要的生活,他们的不满,他们的希望,他们的恐惧又是什么;manbet手机版一句话,这是什么,正如他们所说,“不足之处”,你将会通过参考书徒劳无功。manbet手机版所以你不能告诉韩国人是否热衷于UNO,或者宁愿与他们的堂兄弟在北方联盟。manbet手机版也不是你能猜出他们是否愿意放弃土地改革特权投票的一些政客,他们从来没有听说过。manbet手机版忽视这些问题是著名的男人坐在遥远的首都,所以经常导致失望。 If politics is to become scientific, and if the event is not to be constantly surprising, it is imperative that our political thinking should penetrate more deeply into the springs of human action. What is the influence of hunger upon slogans? How does their effectiveness fluctuate with the number of calories in your diet? If one man offers you democracy and another offers you a bag of grain, at what stage of starvation will you prefer the grain to the vote? Such questions are far too little considered. However, let us, for the present, forget the Koreans, and consider the human race.







manbet手机版虚荣心是威力巨大的动机。manbet手机版与孩子的人都知道他们经常表演一些滑稽可笑的,然后说“看我”。manbet手机版“看我的”是人类最基本的欲望之一的心。manbet手机版它可以有无数的形式,从滑稽到追求死后的名声。manbet手机版有一个文艺复兴时期的意大利太子党问牧师在临终之时,如果他后悔。manbet手机版“是的”,他说,“有一件事。manbet手机版有一次我有一个从皇帝和教皇同时访问。manbet手机版我带他们到塔看到的景色,我忽略了机会把他们两个,这就会给我不朽的名声。”manbet手机版历史没有记载是否神父宽恕了他。manbet手机版虚荣的一个问题在于它生长与它吃什么。 The more you are talked about, the more you will wish to be talked about. The condemned murderer who is allowed to see the account of his trial in the press is indignant if he finds a newspaper which has reported it inadequately. And the more he finds about himself in other newspapers, the more indignant he will be with the one whose reports are meagre. Politicians and literary men are in the same case. And the more famous they become, the more difficult the press-cutting agency finds it to satisfy them. It is scarcely possible to exaggerate the influence of vanity throughout the range of human life, from the child of three to the potentate at whose frown the world trembles. Mankind have even committed the impiety of attributing similar desires to the Deity, whom they imagine avid for continual praise.

manbet手机版但伟大的动机的影响是我们一直在考虑,有一个比他们所有人。manbet手机版我的意思是对权力的迷恋。manbet手机版爱的力量有点类似于虚荣,但决不是一样的。manbet手机版虚荣需要的满意是荣耀,和没有权力很容易得到赞美。manbet手机版最伟大的荣耀的人享受美国的电影明星,但他们可以放在地方委员会的反美的活动,这无论如何都享受不到赞美。manbet手机版在英国,国王比总理更荣耀,但首相比国王更有权力。manbet手机版许多人喜欢荣耀,但总的来说这些人影响事件的进程比那些荣耀。manbet手机版布吕歇尔的时候,1814年,拿破仑的宫殿,他说,“他不是一个傻瓜,这一切和莫斯科后去跑步。manbet手机版»拿破仑,他当然不是穷困潦倒的虚荣,当他不得不选择首选的权力。manbet手机版布吕歇尔,这种选择看起来愚蠢。manbet手机版权力,正如虚荣,是无法满足的。 Nothing short of omnipotence could satisfy it completely. And as it is especially the vice of energetic men, the causal efficacy of love of power is out of all proportion to its frequency. It is, indeed, by far the strongest motive in the lives of important men.


manbet手机版但也有另一些可取的方面。manbet手机版追求知识,我认为,主要是爱的力量所驱使。manbet手机版所以都是科学技术的进步。manbet手机版在政治领域,同样,一个改革者可能一样强烈爱的力量是一个暴君。manbet手机版将是一个完整的错误动机对权力的迷恋。manbet手机版你是否将由这种动机是有用的,还是有害的行为,取决于这个社会的制度,以及你个人的能力。manbet手机版如果你的能力是理论或技术,你将有助于知识或技术,作为一个规则,你的活动将是有用的。manbet手机版如果你是一个政治家你可能被爱的力量驱动,但通常这种动机会加入自己的希望看到一些国家事务中意识到,由于某种原因,你喜欢的现状。manbet手机版亚西比德一样,伟大的将军可能很冷漠,他哪一边战斗,但大多数将军们首选的争取自己的国家,并且,因此,其他动机除了爱的权力。manbet手机版政治家可能会改变国所以经常发现自己总是占多数,但大多数政客们偏爱一方,这种偏好和下属他们的爱的力量。 Love of power as nearly pure as possible is to be seen in various different types of men. One type is the soldier of fortune, of whom Napoleon is the supreme example. Napoleon had, I think, no ideological preference for France over Corsica, but if he had become Emperor of Corsica he would not have been so great a man as he became by pretending to be a Frenchman. Such men, however, are not quite pure examples, since they also derive immense satisfaction from vanity. The purest type is that of themanbet手机版大佬manbet手机版垂帘听政,从未出现在公众面前,和仅仅拥抱自己的秘密想:«多少这些木偶知道谁是幕后黑手。manbet手机版»男爵黑白花牛,谁控制了德意志帝国的外交政策,从1890年到1906年,说明这种完美。manbet手机版他住在一个贫民窟;manbet手机版他从来没有出现在社会;manbet手机版他避免会议皇帝,除了有一次皇帝的强求不可能反抗;manbet手机版他拒绝了所有的邀请,法院功能,在地面上,他没有宫廷礼服。manbet手机版他获得了秘密勒索大臣和皇帝的贴身衣物。manbet手机版他用勒索的力量,而不是获得财富,或名声,或任何其他明显的优势,但仅仅强迫采纳他的外交政策。manbet手机版在东部地区,类似的字符在太监并不十分罕见。

manbet手机版我现在其他的动机,虽然在某种意义上基本低于那些我们一直在考虑,仍然是相当重要的。manbet手机版第一个是爱的兴奋。manbet手机版人类相比的优越性在于他们无聊的能力,虽然我有时会想,在动物园的猿猴,他们,也许,这些无聊的情绪萌芽。manbet手机版然而,经验表明,摆脱无聊的真正强大的欲望几乎所有人类。manbet手机版当白人第一次接触一些未受破坏的影响比赛的野蛮人,他们提供各种各样的好处,从福音的光到南瓜派。manbet手机版这些,然而,我们可能会后悔,大多数野蛮人接收与冷漠。manbet手机版他们真正的价值在我们带给他们的礼物是醉人的酒使他们,第一次在他们的生活中,有一些短暂时刻的错觉,活着比死了最好。manbet手机版红色的印第安人,而他们仍然受到白人的影响,将烟管,不像我们这样平静,深深吸气,但放任地深深地吸,以至于昏厥,他们陷入模糊。manbet手机版兴奋通过尼古丁失败时,一个爱国演说者会鼓动他们去攻击邻近的一个部落,这将给他们所有的享受,我们(根据我们的气质)来自赛马或大选。manbet手机版赌博的乐趣几乎完全在于兴奋。 Monsieur Huc describes Chinese traders at the Great Wall in winter, gambling until they have lost all their cash, then proceeding to lose all their merchandise, and at last gambling away their clothes and going out naked to die of cold. With civilized men, as with primitive Red Indian tribes, it is, I think, chiefly love of excitement which makes the populace applaud when war breaks out; the emotion is exactly the same as at a football match, although the results are sometimes somewhat more serious.

manbet手机版决定什么是不完全容易兴奋的爱的根源。manbet手机版我倾向于认为我们的心理构成适应阶段当男人靠打猎。manbet手机版当一个男人用非常原始的武器花了一整天在追踪一只鹿希望晚餐,当,在一天结束的时候,他得意地把尸体拖到他的洞穴,他瘫在满足疲劳了,而他的妻子穿着和煮熟的肉。manbet手机版他昏昏欲睡,他的骨头疼痛,烹饪的味道填满了每一个角落和缝隙的意识。manbet手机版最后,吃后,他陷入深度睡眠。manbet手机版在这样一个无聊的生活既没有时间也没有精力。manbet手机版但当他走上农业,使他的妻子做所有的工作在田野,他有时间反思人生的虚空,发明神话和哲学系统,梦想的生活以后,他将永远寻找瓦尔哈拉殿堂的野猪。manbet手机版我们的心理构成是适合生活的非常严重的体力劳动。manbet手机版我使用,我年轻时,我的假期走。manbet手机版我每天将覆盖25英里,晚上来的时候我不需要任何东西让我从无聊,因为高兴的是坐在充分足够了。 But modern life cannot be conducted on these physically strenuous principles. A great deal of work is sedentary, and most manual work exercises only a few specialized muscles. When crowds assemble in Trafalgar Square to cheer to the echo an announcement that the government has decided to have them killed, they would not do so if they had all walked twenty-five miles that day. This cure for bellicosity is, however, impracticable, and if the human race is to survive – a thing which is, perhaps, undesirable – other means must be found for securing an innocent outlet for the unused physical energy that produces love of excitement. This is a matter which has been too little considered, both by moralists and by social reformers. The social reformers are of the opinion that they have more serious things to consider. The moralists, on the other hand, are immensely impressed with the seriousness of all the permitted outlets of the love of excitement; the seriousness, however, in their minds, is that of Sin. Dance halls, cinemas, this age of jazz, are all, if we may believe our ears, gateways to Hell, and we should be better employed sitting at home contemplating our sins. I find myself unable to be in entire agreement with the grave men who utter these warnings. The devil has many forms, some designed to deceive the young, some designed to deceive the old and serious. If it is the devil that tempts the young to enjoy themselves, is it not, perhaps, the same personage that persuades the old to condemn their enjoyment? And is not condemnation perhaps merely a form of excitement appropriate to old age? And is it not, perhaps, a drug which – like opium – has to be taken in continually stronger doses to produce the desired effect? Is it not to be feared that, beginning with the wickedness of the cinema, we should be led step by step to condemn the opposite political party, dagoes, wops, Asiatics, and, in short, everybody except the fellow members of our club? And it is from just such condemnations, when widespread, that wars proceed. I have never heard of a war that proceeded from dance halls.

manbet手机版认真兴奋的是,它的许多形式是有破坏性的。manbet手机版破坏性的在那些不能抵制过度饮酒或赌博的人。manbet手机版这是破坏性的,当它以暴民暴乱的形式。manbet手机版和最重要的是,它破坏导致战争。manbet手机版是如此之深的需要,它便会找到这类有害网点除非无辜的网点。manbet手机版运动,有目前这样无辜的媒体和政治只要在宪法范围内。manbet手机版但是这些是不够的,特别是在这种政治是最令人兴奋的也是危害也最大。manbet手机版文明生活也变得完全驯服,如果要稳定,就必须为我们的远祖的冲动提供无害的网点满意在打猎。manbet手机版在澳大利亚,人们很少和兔子有很多,我看着整个民众,以原始的方式满足原始的冲动的熟练的屠杀成千上万的兔子。manbet手机版但在伦敦或纽约必须找到一些方法来满足原始的冲动。 I think every big town should contain artificial waterfalls that people could descend in very fragile canoes, and they should contain bathing pools full of mechanical sharks. Any person found advocating a preventive war should be condemned to two hours a day with these ingenious monsters. More seriously, pains should be taken to provide constructive outlets for the love of excitement. Nothing in the world is more exciting than a moment of sudden discovery or invention, and many more people are capable of experiencing such moments than is sometimes thought.

manbet手机版交织与其他政治动机是两个密切相关的激情很遗憾人们非常容易:我的意思是恐惧和仇恨。manbet手机版讨厌我们担心是正常的,它经常发生,尽管并不总是,我们担心我们恨。manbet手机版我认为它可能是作为规则在原始的男性,他们都害怕和讨厌任何陌生的。manbet手机版他们有自己的群,原来一个很小的一个。manbet手机版在一个群,都是朋友,除非有一些特殊的敌意。manbet手机版其他群落则是潜在或实际的敌人;manbet手机版一个成员的一个意外迷路了,就会被杀死。manbet手机版外星人群作为一个整体将会避免或根据情况。manbet手机版正是这种原始的机制,对外国国家仍然控制着我们的本能反应。manbet手机版完全足不出户的手套商贩的人认为所有外国人的另一个群成员问好。 But the man who has travelled, or who has studied international politics, will have discovered that, if his herd is to prosper, it must, to some degree, become amalgamated with other herds. If you are English and someone says to you, «The French are your brothers», your first instinctive feeling will be, «Nonsense. They shrug their shoulders, and talk French. And I am even told that they eat frogs.» If he explains to you that we may have to fight the Russians, that, if so, it will be desirable to defend the line of the Rhine, and that, if the line of the Rhine is to be defended, the help of the French is essential, you will begin to see what he means when he says that the French are your brothers. But if some fellow-traveller were to go on to say that the Russians also are your brothers, he would be unable to persuade you, unless he could show that we are in danger from the Martians. We love those who hate our enemies, and if we had no enemies there would be very few people whom we should love.


manbet手机版有两种方式应对恐惧:一个是消除外在的危险,另一种是培养坚忍的耐力。manbet手机版后者可以增强,除非立即采取行动是必要的,通过把我们的思想远离恐惧的原因。manbet手机版征服恐惧是一件非常重要的事。manbet手机版恐惧是可耻的;manbet手机版它很容易变成困扰;manbet手机版它产生讨厌的担心,导致轻率的虐待。manbet手机版没有那么仁慈影响人类安全。manbet手机版如果能建立一个国际体系将消除战争的恐惧,日常人们的日常心态改善将是巨大的,非常快速。manbet手机版目前,恐惧的阴影笼罩着世界。manbet手机版原子弹和细菌炸弹,掌握在邪恶的共产主义或邪恶的资本主义视情况而定,使华盛顿和克里姆林宫颤抖,开车人进一步沿着这条路走向深渊。 If matters are to improve, the first and essential step is to find a way of diminishing fear. The world at present is obsessed by the conflict of rival ideologies, and one of the apparent causes of conflict is the desire for the victory of our own ideology and the defeat of the other. I do not think that the fundamental motive here has much to do with ideologies. I think the ideologies are merely a way of grouping people, and that the passions involved are merely those which always arise between rival groups. There are, of course, various reasons for hating communists. First and foremost, we believe that they wish to take away our property. But so do burglars, and although we disapprove of burglars our attitude towards them is very different indeed from our attitude towards communists – chiefly because they do not inspire the same degree of fear. Secondly, we hate the communists because they are irreligious. But the Chinese have been irreligious since the eleventh century, and we only began to hate them when they turned out Chiang Kai-shek. Thirdly, we hate the communists because they do not believe in democracy, but we consider this no reason for hating Franco. Fourthly, we hate them because they do not allow liberty; this we feel so strongly that we have decided to imitate them. It is obvious that none of these is the real ground for our hatred. We hate them because we fear them and they threaten us. If the Russians still adhered to the Greek Orthodox religion, if they had instituted parliamentary government, and if they had a completely free press which daily vituperated us, then – provided they still had armed forces as powerful as they have now – we should still hate them if they gave us ground for thinking them hostile. There is, of course, themanbet手机版憎恶敌意产生manbet手机版敌意的,它可能是一个原因。manbet手机版但我认为这是一个分支群感觉:有着不同信仰的人觉得奇怪,和任何陌生的东西都是危险的。manbet手机版意识形态,事实上,是一个创造群落的方法,和心理学是一样的但是群可能是生成的。




manbet手机版至于与其他群体的关系,现代技术产生了利益之间的冲突和本能。manbet手机版在以前,当两个部落开战,一方消灭另一方,其领土吞并。manbet手机版从维克多的角度来看,整个过程非常令人满意。manbet手机版杀戮是不昂贵的,兴奋是令人愉快的。manbet手机版根本不用考虑,在这种情况下,战争依然存在。manbet手机版不幸的是,我们仍然有情绪这种原始战争,而战争的实际操作已经彻底改变了。manbet手机版在杀死一个敌人的现代战争是一个很昂贵的操作。manbet手机版如果你认为有多少德国人丧生在战争后期,多少的胜利者支付所得税,你可以通过长除法的总和,发现死去的德国的费用,你会发现它相当大。manbet手机版在东方,它是真实的,德国人的敌人获得的古老的优势击败了人口和占领他们的土地。manbet手机版然而,西方的胜利者获得没有这样的优势。 It is obvious that modern war is not good business from a financial point of view. Although we won both the world wars, we should now be much richer if they had not occurred. If men were actuated by self-interest, which they are not – except in the case of a few saints – the whole human race would cooperate. There would be no more wars, no more armies, no more navies, no more atom bombs. There would not be armies of propagandists employed in poisoning the minds of Nation A against Nation B, and reciprocally of Nation B against Nation A. There would not be armies of officials at frontiers to prevent the entry of foreign books and foreign ideas, however excellent in themselves. There would not be customs barriers to ensure the existence of many small enterprises where one big enterprise would be more economic. All this would happen very quickly if men desired their own happiness as ardently as they desired the misery of their neighbours. But, you will tell me, what is the use of these utopian dreams ? Moralists will see to it that we do not become wholly selfish, and until we do the millennium will be impossible.



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